ASACP Fundraising Drive


Source: Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP)

By: Company Press Release

Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP)

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — The ASACP Foundation, sister organization to veteran child protection group, Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP), is launching a year-end fundraising campaign in order to continue and expand its initiatives into the future.

The ASACP Foundation is the entity that funds the operation of ASACP’s Cp Reporting Hotline – which has proven particularly effective in providing confirmed “Red Flag” reports of illegal child pornography to relevant law enforcement agencies around the world.

The ASACP Foundation is also responsible for financing the ongoing development and operation of the Restricted to Adults (RTA) website labeling program (, which works hand-in-hand with content filtering software to provide parents and institutions, including libraries and schools, with effective protection against exposure to age-inappropriate materials.

“As we enter the season of giving, it is important to remember the children and how vulnerable they are in today’s highly connected society,” ASACP Executive Director Tim Henning stated. “ASACP provides parents and industry with the tools and services they need to protect children and to make a substantial, tangible difference in their lives by keeping them safe in cyberspace.”

A 501(c)(3) charitable organization, contributions to the ASACP Foundation are tax deductible for American businesses and may also provide tax benefits to overseas operators. Regardless of these pluses for contributors, supporting the ASACP Foundation is the right thing to do, not only for companies within the digital media industry, but for individuals, trusts, and other entities that are concerned with the welfare of children online, in social media, and across the mobile arena.

“While it presents an opportunity for year-end tax savings, donations to the ASACP Foundation provide a way for companies to demonstrate a higher level of social responsibility,” Henning explained. “This, coupled with industry self-regulation, such as the adoption of the RTA label, allows digital media marketers to put their best foot forward, doing their part to make a better world for everyone.”

For more information on how you or your organization can support the ASACP Foundation, please contact


Founded in 1996, ASACP is a non-profit organization dedicated to online child protection. ASACP is comprised of two separate corporate entities, the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection and the ASACP Foundation. The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. ASACP manages a membership program that provides resources to companies in order to help them protect children online. The ASACP Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. The ASACP Foundation battles child pornography through its Cp Reporting Hotline and helps parents prevent children from viewing age-restricted material online with its Restricted to Adults (RTA) website label ( ASACP has invested 16 years in developing progressive programs to protect children, and its relationship in assisting the adult industry’s child protection efforts is unparalleled. For more information, visit

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