Jacky Joy Asks Help


Source: PR 101

By: Company Press Release

Jacky Joy

Jacky Joy calls for help from ”Superstorm Sandy” devastation!

Many of us know family or friends who have been affected by this storm, and just because it’s not the number one story in the news anymore doesn’t mean there aren’t thousands still suffering.

Jacky Joy wants to tell everyone, “If you can take two minutes out of your day to view this video and spread the word about my close friend, Anthony Bove, it would be greatly appreciated. By sharing the link or donating it will help provide necessary things he and his family need since Sandy flooded his family’s home. If you know of anyone willing to donate, please spread the word to them. The links below are so you can spread the video and donation link through whatever social media you feel so inclined.”

The winter is getting colder and there are still people in tents and with no heat. Help from the government is chaotic and food distribution is a nightmare!

Though times are tough for all of us, anything you can spare would help a fellow American in trouble eat, keep warm, and rebuild a life. Follow the links and please be generous!

The Video: youtu.be/1K1SfWlJnHI

Donation: goo.gl/MftkD

Jacky says, “If everyone would donate even a dollar, the dollars would add up. Donate more if you have the resources. I’ll do my part and as the donations come in I’ll do Skype shows, give out autographed DVDs and photographs for every $100 that comes in as an incentive for your generosity.”

You may also see the up and coming R&B Rapper “Thatb0yab” putting out and promoting to help their mutual friend, and local papers running this story. Thatb0yab is based out of New Jersey and is working and putting the call out to help his friend locally. Get in touch with him at www.twitter.com/thatb0yab and www.facebook.com/whoisAB.

Jacky Joy can be reached for bookings through Foxxx Modeling at www.foxxxmodeling.com and media/PR through Rising Star PR at www.risingstarpr.com.

Fans are urged to contact Jacky directly at www.twitter.com/jackyjoy and www.facebook.com/theofficialpageofjackyjoy.