Leya Falcon Xcritic Reviewer


Source: Rising Star PR

By: Company Press Release

Leya Falcon(VENICE, CA) — You don’t have to ask Leya Falcon a question to get an answer. If it’s not doing one of the many interviews she’s done of late, she wakes up in the middle of the night with her ideas bright enough to shine her way to the computer where she sits down and puts her ideas down.

Her extracurricular activity got a lot more serious this past week when Xcritic added her to the official list of esteemed Xcritic bloggers and reviewers, making her the first-ever active performer to be a critic for the site. She’s off to an amazing pace-after her “Excited to Join Xcritic” intro last week, she has penned three other columns: “Measure B is Con-Dumb!,” “Coffee is an Orgasm in a Cup and Other Randomness”; and “Interesting Gangnam Style Weekend.”

The latest column was about her strange weekend of stripper work, and it wasn’t due to her hallucinatory reactions to some allergy she had contracted. It was action that would have had Hunter Thompson taking notes, most likely against his attorney’s advice.

She did say that the crowd the following night continued in the weird vibe, but this time the guest weren’t falling down.

“The guests were all sitting and standing upright, or at least with a slight tilt and none of them ended up face down on the ground, which was a major improvement.”

In her Adult Industry News column that went up on Monday she tells more tales from the desert – she lives in Vegas – and dances most weekends at Sapphire, the world’s biggest gentlemen’s club. She tells of how overwhelmed she was starting at the club and dishes a bit on what it’s like.

Check out her latest Xcritic offering at www.xcritic.com/blogs/blog.php?blogID=3369. The new Adult Industry News column is at ainews.com/story/21913/.

Sapphire Las Vegas Strip Club is located at 3025 Industrial Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109. Call 702.796.6000 or visit www.sapphirelasvegas.com/ for more information.

Follow Leya on Twitter @LeyaFalcon and check out her website at www.LeyaFalcon.com. She can be booked through Oc Modeling, www.ocmodeling.com.

For more on Leya Falcon visit risingstarpr.com/news/?page_id=4141.