Falcon’s Flight: Gem in the Desert


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Leya Falcon

Leya Falcon

The other day I was on the phone chatting with my good friend and mentor Bill Margold just catching up with him discussing the most recent gossip in the porn world as well as what we have both been up to lately, this was when a conversation about my new home club I strip at came up.

I told him I am now at Sapphire and how well everyone treats me there and was surprised when Bill, one of the most informed performers in the history of porn had asked “What the hell is Sapphire? I have never heard of it! Where is it even at?” I told him I had no idea how he had never heard of it with it being the world’s largest gentlemen’s club and it being highly publicized appearing in magazines and television nationwide and this is where he suggested I write my next column explaining what my new home club is all about because if he hasn’t heard of Sapphire, who else hasn’t?

[I’ve visited Bill under the rock where he lives and understand this better than most. -Ed.]

When first switching over to Sapphire at the end of June I will admit I was very nervous and wasn’t even sure if I would get hired because four years prior (a few months after I gave birth to my daughter) when I went to audition I was denied with a quickness, probably because I had no tits and was still packing about 30 pounds of baby weight. Though I have since lost the weight and then some, purchased some tits and dyed my hair blonde, the words from my first audition there still went off in my head “We won’t even hire you for the 3am shift (also known as the “fat girl” shift), but thanks for coming in.”

Due to this statement still ringing in my head it took me a few months of debating which club to switch to until I finally gained enough courage to go in there again, 4 years later, with confidence knowing I would get hired. Not only did I get hired, (hope this next statement isn’t taken as sexual harassment or disrespectful)! I got hired by a beautiful female manager with great big tits named Danielle. I just love hot women in power; it’s such a turn on!

My first night of working at Sapphire I was amazed as it is a truly beautiful club and being the big kid at heart that I am, my favorite part was the pretty lights on the walls surrounding the main floor that look like sparkling stars. It is a beautiful club without looking too over the top and “expensive,” I would say it is very classy and clean yet still not so fancy that you’re afraid to party and have a fun time.

The stages are set up beautifully, though my only complaint is that the poles are too short but that should be no surprise to anyone because I am a size queen! I love how there are many different options for VIP dances with rooms, couches and skyboxes so that the guests can choose which fits their needs and their budget the best. In addition to the VIP experiences, we also offer the basic $20 floor dances so that even if you are on a super tight budget in these hard economic times you can still take home the memory of a great time with your favorite of our 100s of Sapphire Gems we have dancing nightly.

I am usually very hesitant to call a club my home club and if I do so it takes more than a couple months of me dancing there to do so, I have only had two other home clubs in my 6 (almost 7) years of dancing and I still love (most of) the people from Talk of the Town and Hustler Club but had to move on and continue with my personal and financial growth which is how I ended up at Sapphire and I really love my new home club. The General Manager, John, is very kind, fun and understanding, DJ Joe is just plain awesome and hilarious and everyone else I have encountered as far as floor hosts and managers have been very patient and helpful with me.

I admit had a rough start at first (as with everything I do) but have taken those experiences and mistakes I have made and have grown as a person and the fact that I did not end up fired over some of the things I have done in the beginning of working here, I see that I truly did find a new home club full of great people and (most of the time) great guests and I am not intending on moving from this club anytime soon! Sapphire Las Vegas is Falcon endorsed and approved so stop by the next time you’re in town!

Sapphire is located at 3025 Industrial Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89109.

For Additional Info about Sapphire Las Vegas Please visit: SapphireLasVegas.com.