From Where I Stand


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Rebecca Bardoux

Rebecca Bardoux

Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Rebecca Bardoux. I have been an actress, director and producer in the adult industry for 20 years. I also spent a good 10 years on the road, headlining at gentlemen’s clubs all over the country. In addition to that I traveled to a few foreign countries for special appearances.

When I entered the adult industry in 1992 it was not a conscience decision, staying in it is. Without this industry I would not be the woman I am today. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. I have had my dark times. Looking back on my life, the safest and most secure place was in the industry. Most of my darkness came from the civilian world. I have a few stories about that. Some will make you laugh and some will make you cry.

When I was younger I was a loud mouth about my opinions. Today I am a controlled and calm voice. Everyone has their own views on things; it’s just the way you present them that decides if people are going to listen or not. Everything I write comes from a place of love. I am not here to judge or hate. If you disagree with me, tell me. If you’re going to get angry and hate, save your typing fingers for something else, maybe online anger management classes.

So you Want to be a Pornstar

From what I understand porn is becoming a career choice in high schools all over the country. These kids know that’s what they want to do, be a porn star. I don’t think they know what’s involved; they just see money and fame. Everyone wants to be famous. As my mother once told me, fame is fleeting.

Because of the internet, you can do a scene in the morning and have millions of people watching it by night, along with thousands of other scenes. There is no lemon law in porn. (These days they are making money on you before you get your money from them.) So you’re on the internet getting fucked by three giant cocks one in every hole, and now you think your famous? You’re not. I think Sean Michaels called it a flash in the pan.

If anyone thinks they are going to come into this industry and think they are better than anyone before them, they are wrong. If you have no respect for the pioneers of this industry, you know the ones – they spend years in prison for doing nothing but making and selling a legal product – then you will not last, you will be called out in a heartbeat. I want to make this very clear, you have to pay your dues if you want to make a career out of it.

If you just want to be a fucking fool and think you are the shit, you’ll soon be working at McDonalds, and you can’t even get a civilian job if the person interviewing you saw your double anal scene on the internet and does not want a porn star working for their company. If you are lucky enough to get a job, most people you work with will remember you from that double anal and not want to be associated with you. So, you may end up eating your lunch alone.

That double anal scene will never go away. Your grandchildren will be watching it on the internet one day. It’s sort of like getting a tattoo on a drunken night. It will not go away, and everyone will be able to identify you with it. So, think long and hard about it, because how you feel about things at age 20 is not the way you will feel about them when you’re 40. That is a fact!

Rebecca Bardoux

Follow me on Twitter @rebeccabardoux