Source: Rising Star PR
By: Company Press Release

(VENICE, CA) — In what has quickly become the most talked-about contest from a publicity firm all year, Rising Star PR has announced the six contestants that will move on to round two of its Next Rising Star 2012 contest in celebration of the company’s third anniversary.
The field is now down to the Sweet Six: Leya Falcon, Kendra Lust, Nicki Blue, Katt Dylan, Allie James and Jenna J Ross. Each of these fantastic newbies are in the running to win a free month of publicity services from Rising Star.
From now through May 15 the company will monitor its Twitter feed and each time someone tweets @risingstarpr with one of the girl’s names, that will count as a vote. Fans can vote once a day.
In the event of the two top vote-getters being within 50 votes of each other, former Rising Starlets and Best New Starlets Kagney Linn Karter and Brooklyn Lee will step in and decide the winner.
“The contest had a very strong reception from the start,” company founder Devan Cypher said. “It was hard narrowing down our top applicants to just six, especially with a tie. Now that we have six amazing and diverse young finalists. It’s going to be fun to see who wants to win the most.”
Twitters for the finalist are:
Leya Falcon: @LeyaFalcon
Kendra Lust: @KendraLust
Nicki Blue: @NickiBlue
Katt Dylan: @KattDylanxxx
Allie James: @alliejamesxxx
Jenna J Ross: @JennaJRoss
For more details visit