Source: Adult Industry News
By: Leya Falcon
[Leya Falcon actually wrote this column on her phone while working out at the gym! See pic to right. -Ed.]
As I am sure you have all noticed, I have been absent here on AINews for a little while because I have had a few “setbacks” as some would call it, but I prefer to look at them as learning experiences. If you keep up with me anywhere else on the web I am sure you have somewhat of an idea of what has been going on, but I am here today to share a more in depth, behind the scenes look at what has been going on and to let my fans know that there is much to look forward to in the near as well as distant future.
When I came out to LA back in October to finally pursue my 12 year long dream of becoming a porn star, I had the mindset of I am going out there and I am not leaving until I sign a contract with a company or at least an agency. I honestly thought that I could be signed as a contract girl if I went into a company, as Jenna Jameson did Wicked back in the day, express how passionate and motivated I am and I would be convincing enough that they would sign me. Little did I know that the industry had changed tremendously since the 1990s and companies offices are not that easy to walk into and just speak with the owner.
My first company I had written down and mapped out (in my little Darth Vader notepad) on my list of stops was Vivid. I went into the parking lot and walked into the building with every bit of confidence I had ever had in my body but was quickly stopped by a security guard asking who I was there for. “I am here to sign with Vivid,” I couldn’t even finish my sentence before the security guard cut me off and said I could not just go up there but if I would like to speak with the agency that is in this building he can take me up there. I agreed and was escorted up the stairs and down a long hallway of high-tech locked up doors and pointed to the door I could enter.
“Hi, welcome to LA Direct, how can I help you?” the lady at the counter said. I replied “I am here to become the next biggest Porn Star to Jenna Jameson.” She then gave me paperwork, I filled it out and was introduced to Derek who then took me into another room and asked for me to get naked… I did. He looked at me with the same straight, cold expression he had when I came in and took me back to his desk and finally said a word “Ok, I am going to be honest, you have 3 strikes against you being your stretch marks, your tattoos and your hair that I can tell you did yourself but other than that you’re very pretty and have a great body, I believe you will do well and I am willing to contract you to LA Direct.” The paperwork was drafted and since I had already looked into agencies and saw LA Direct looked the most professional looking I had no hesitation in signing this contract for three years.
Upon signing, I had not even a thought in my head that they wouldn’t get me work or that there was anything shady going on. I was super excited to get those six scenes that they booked me for but when I realized on twitter that other girls were getting so many more bookings I started to think something was fishy.
After not getting any new bookings in a month and a half I knew it couldn’t be me, I am very new, I give my all on set and I just didn’t understand why the work wasn’t coming in so I took my journalistic skills and did some digging to try to find out what was going on. I can’t say for sure why I wasn’t getting booked but I did get some clues, put two and two together and decided I had to get out of that contract and get out of it quickly.
I then spoke to Steve, our lovely Editor-in-Chief here at AINews and told him my suspicions and my desire to get out of LA Direct and get to an agency that was going to put me as a priority and help me achieve my goals which is when it was suggested to me that if I really did want to leave LA Direct that I should try Foxxx Modeling because he knows many girls that have said good things about them.
I was hesitant at first because the site wasn’t super fancy like LA Direct or some of the others and also working with a guy who has the same name as my (soon to be) ex-husband didn’t excite me too much but I gave him a call and was pleasantly surprised at his genuine care to get his girls work (and the fact that he doesn’t make the girls sign contracts was a plus in my book) so I had him speak to Derek at LA Direct and they came to an agreement that he would release me and if I get work through Foxxx, the $2000 buy out fee would be paid within 60 days and I would be out of my contract.
After a couple of weeks, I was finally getting bookings again and am very happy I have made the decision switch and have the wonderful team of Chris and Danny at Foxxx Modeling representing me and helping me to get to where I want to be. I have been doing quite a bit of filming lately and they all have been great scenes that I know you all will enjoy watching and reading about when I get to writing about them but until then may the force be with you! 🙂