XRCO Problem Solved


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Steve Nelson

Scales of JusticeTo avoid further damage to an already faltering institution (The News Rack – XRCO 2011 ainews.com/story/19413/ – linked to the right) I will stick my neck out and propose a solution to the problem the XRCO is suffering from by being run blindly from the Midwest.

I propose that we, voting members of the XRCO, ask Tod Hunter to serve as XRCO Chairman. Since Jared Rutter stepped down as Chairman the shows have suffered. I know of no other person as fair, honest, and diplomatic as Jared – except for Tod Hunter. If we ask as a united organization I’m sure Tod would accept the responsibility.

Tod has served the Adult Industry in many capacities in his long career as a journalist, and is a prolific writer and reviewer. He has his thumb on the pulse of the Industry first hand, and knows what’s going on in all respects including attending most events personally. He knows more people in the Industry than anyone I know, and it’s on a face-to-face basis.

I further propose the following:

Bob Krotts stays in the XRCO. Bill Margold will advise us on the Hall of Fame, but not control it. The voting will be more transparent to members; we will know how many votes were cast for each nominee. We will VOTE on the Hall of Fame. We will VOTE on Heart-on girl and who is to host. We will have a better website. Members should talk freely with each other. Decisions like new categories will be voted on. In other words, the voting members will have a say like they did when the XRCO was formed.

It’s up to us in the XRCO to take charge of our organization and not let it crumble while we watch. Who is with me? Please write to me at editor@ainews.xxx and show your support.

Thank you,


Steve Nelson


Adult Industry News
