Source: AVN Media Network
By: Company Press Release
Boost Your Business with Targeted Seminars. In addition cutting-edge exhibitors, diverse attendees and one-of-a kind events like the AVN Awards, AEE & ANE also feature profit-boosting seminars This January AEE & ANE will feature a robust seminar series with a wide range of topics that directly impact your bottom line.
Topics Include:
AEE Power Players Panel: This special hour will feature four of the leading players from the video side of the industry as they address the major trends in the marketplace. These acknowledged leaders bring not only their experience to bear, but successful track records as well.
Not in My Backyard: Adult-themed businesses have the added pressures of special zoning laws and requirements. Learn from retailers that have become part of the main street landscape, and how they did it.
It’s (not) a Man’s World: During this panel, an occupationally diverse collection of women will share their experiences working in adult, highlighting the challenges, advantages, adventures, and quirks of an industry commonly construed as being “run by men.”
The Perils and Potentials of Parody Porn: Hear from a delicious mix of acknowledged parody perfectionists to discuss how they have mastered the genre. Join these performers and directors for an hour that will be as fun as it is informative.
Mastering Mobile: The tablet craze has further revolutionized the mobile marketplace and created only more opportunities for content producers and distributors of both visual entertainment and hard goods.This seminar will bring you up to speed on the latest development and start you on your way to the pot of gold at the end of the mobile rainbow.
The Nuts and Bolts of APHSS (Adult Production Health and Safety Services: This comprehensive 3-part session will 1) address how the Industry’s newest testing service works, 2) introduce some of the new clinics and labs in the space, and also provide an exclusive interview with Patient Alpha, and 3) present an interview with the performer who recently endured a false-positive HIV test after shooting on-set in Florida. The three half-hour segments promise to be as edifying as they are riveting.
Social Media: Are you Connected:Social networks are not only here to stay, for many people they are now the place where they get much of the news and other information they use to make decisions about what to buy and how to live. This seminar will bring attendees up to date on the latest social network trends. For a full list of seminars Click Here: