Source: Kung Fu DVD Magazine
By: Company Press Release

For next 10-11-12 February 2012, we will want to organize second Erotica fair and exhibition in Kaliningrad (Königsberg), Russia where the market its open.
Kaliningrad region its border with Poland, Lithuania. Last edition 20.000 visitors.
If your company want to present lingerie, shoes,toys, sadomaso and sex equipment, or similar we are able to give you about 5-10 models can to show to potential customers in trade zone your items regularly.
The promotional offer, its that we will give you one stand full equipment, 2 X 2 M with 2 chairs, table, etc., for just 990 euro and half of this price you can to pay in your goods from your catalogues at distributor prices. If you want more space ask us.
Another, if you need one hostess inside stand, from 17.00 to 02.00 in the night she can to translate in ru-gb. If you want more space ask us.
If you don’t want to participate but like to be present, who represents you, take orders, business card from all trade people that we meet for this fair. We sent invitations of all trader countries, around, also in LT-LV-EE-PL-BIEL-RU-UK.
Available sponsorship for all events, put your logo in posters, radio and TV reklama, ask for costs. We invite also professional models.
Also can to stay in your stand for sign autographed, promote your items, etc.
Another, its possible to have models that go around in the city and inside erotica festival with t-shirt with your logo for all erotica fair days.
Your company will be present in all posters, magazines advertising, journals, business card, website depliants that we distribute in all the country.
Best regards,
Ivana Kreikova
Project Manager
For more info, etc. contacts us at this e-mail :
In same time of fair its to possible to meet new girls and boys that want to enter in the industry. We organize models contest too.