Source: Letters to the Editor

Sanjay Agrawal
Hi…steve i am also intrested in porn star.give me one chance in porn move.
Steve Nelson
I’m not shooting porn movies. I’m editing news. Thank you, though!
Sanjay Agrawal
I am also intrested in porn move….or i want marriy with pornstar plz help me.
Steve Nelson
It is a good interest to have. Me too.
Sanjay Agrawal
Steve sir…can you suggest my name any porn star….
Steve Nelson
Give someone’s name to a total stranger? Think about that. Guess the outcome. If you suggested my name to a beautiful girl in your city would she marry me?
Sanjay Agrawal
Steve sir…are you unmarried?
Steve Nelson
I am currently single, but you see the odds?
Sanjay Agrawal
Odds means sir..
What i don’t understand… odds
Steve Nelson
Odds are most likely chances – I’m saying we don’t have good chances for recommending a girl to marry someone in a country on the other side of the earth who they have never met. It is a pleasing thought, however.
Sanjay Agrawal
Steve sir… But ur more chance in india….
Indian people very honest about relationship….!
Steve Nelson
You are very lucky in your country if that is the way things work. Here it is much different. The girls here are happy to be single, especially the porn girls.
Sanjay Agrawal
Plz steve sir….. You find 4 me one beautiful pornstar girl….many porn girl’s like’s marreag life…i know many porn girl happy with married life….i am very honest about relationship….i know many pornstar wants cute , young , smart boy….. & i am nice boy, student… Young my age is only 25 year…. Age no limet any age i accepet pornstar….!
Steve Nelson
I tell you what; if I have your permission to publish parts of this conversation, I’ll advertise you are looking for a pornstar wife on Adult Industry News ( I’ll link it to your FaceBook page and hopefully one of the girls will want to check you out. Sound good to you?
Sanjay Agrawal
U publish this name all over world I WANT PORNSTAR WIFE..
Sanjay Agrawal can be contacted on FaceBook at or directly at both linked in the box to the right. Check him out, ladies!