From the Trenches 8/11


Source: Dave Cummings, Porn Star/Producer/Director

By: Dave Cummings, Porn Star/Producer/Director

Dave Cummings

Summer is speeding by, swingers are enjoying the weather and consensual sex, and politics is a continuing pain in the neck; some might also feel like the media needs to get a life and spare us from the constant political news that infects our daily lives, especially when so-called reporting seems too often biased by subjective crap.

Maybe we need longer summers with even more swinger events, one-term limits on politicians, and “reporters” who masturbate more often to hopefully give them clarity of mind-and-view with which to provide real news instead of slanted garbage?

I’m writing this just before heading to a private swinger cocktail gathering at a lounge 35-80 of us frequent after work on Thursdays. Similar events also happen on Fridays at another San Diego location. It’s mostly couples, but allows some select singles, in a “meet-and-greet” atmosphere. Yes, there’s lots of hugging and kissing, and some clandestine roving of hands and rubbing against each other, but it’s not overly apparent to non-swingers there.

Naturally, people sometimes go home with others to play, but open sex at the public gathering location is a no-no. Being a porn star is fun at such happenings, and admittedly my penis gets “up” with the frequent kissing and touching. I’ve enjoyed many liaisons and friendships with swingers during my 26 years of swinging, especially couples with a wife that enjoys the simultaneous sexual attentions of two guys. Swingers know how to have fun, without jealousy or possessiveness. And, for women curious about bisexuality, they can live out their fantasies with other swinging women.

Last Saturday, after attending a large family wedding at the beach followed by a traditional reception, I showered in the resort’s gym facilities and hustled down to a swinger party with some of the same couples I know from our Thursday events.

The swinger private house party started at 8pm, so when I arrived at 9:30pm most of the 30-35 couples were already engaged in full blown swinger sex throughout the multiple bedrooms, the living room, and the back yard.

As usual, I had a blast, and even the host and hostess were participating and enjoying the mini-orgies taking place in their home. The hot tub was loaded with sexual happenings, and the food was delicious. What nice and considerate people in attendance!

Though there was a bar both inside and on the back patio, no one drank too much (I usually drink water, soda, or pineapple juice at swing parties because at 71 years of age, even one alcoholic drink can adversely affect the rigidity of my erection). Indeed, it was a fabulous night, and I imagine that this evening’s meet-and-greet will include a lot of smiling swingers chatting about the sexual escapades of last Saturday night.

Let me rant a bit about politics. I sense that it is starting to engulf the personal time of Americans to the point that many are fed up with our present government (and, some of the media, too)! The economic situation is stressful and seems to be affected by too much political baloney, especially in Washington but also at State and Local levels. Politics, in my opinion, should be cleaned up. Elected officials need to start working primarily for the good of America, not just for their next election. Politics seems to be smothering us common citizens.

I think we should have one 4-5 year term for all positions at all levels of government, thus letting the elected persons Work for the good of the people, not to get politically positioned for the next election. Who knows, maybe we’d get more qualified and focused candidates? Elected folks should not get exempted from laws heaped upon us, nor should they get special treatment, retirement, healthcare, or other programs. America needs to be returned to the American people, and the politicians should be replaced by qualified elected workers dedicated to making America better.

More than ever before, it seems to me that we voters need to actually vote, and hopefully get our America out of the hands of “politicians”.

Please contact me via my to talk with me live.

Dave Cummings
