Congressman Weiner New Income


Source: K Squared Dynamics

By: Company Press Release

Congressman Weiner

Congressman Weiner New Source of Income – Cashing in from Android App Market. As Anthony Weiner Says his Official Goodbye – the Wonder Weiner Says Hello!

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — On the heels of Rep. Anthony Weiner’s, (D-N.Y.) official resignation yesterday, premier mobile entertainment company, Adult App Mart has announced their latest Android app, the Wonder Weiner. Along with the new app, available only on Adult App Mart, comes the offer to the former New York Representative to earn residual income for doing what he does so well – taking pictures of his wonder weiner to regularly update the app.

“We’re excited to be able to offer this timely solution for Congressman Weiner to earn some extra income while he’s taking a break from politics, and entertaining other job offers” said Quinn, President of Adult App Mart. “We would be happy to give him developer access to enable him to update the app whenever he’s feeling up to it.”

The gallery styled app – which allows Android users to make any photograph within it into their devices wallpaper – includes a number of photographs of the former Congressman, including the ones people most want to see, enabling Adult App Mart customers to show their support of Anthony Weiner with their very own Weiner wallpaper.

Adult App Mart is dedicated to bringing the greatest variety of the sexiest content available to Android devices and determined to be Android fans first choice in mobile entertainment. Continuously expanding with niche-specific apps that run the gamut, catering to fans of glamorous porn stars, tattooed vixens, Ex-girlfriends, and everything in-between. With no limits on its content and easy discrete credit card billing, AdultAppMart is the premier marketplace for adults to make their own decisions about what they want to download.

App Details: