Tales of a Lusty Lass


Source: Through Adult Industry News

By: Eve Rhony

Eve RhonyFirst of all, a big thank you to Steve Nelson and everyone at AINews.xxx for their kind support, encouragement and promotion. I do hope new readers will enjoy my current serial-blog detailing the lusty fantasies and real-life experiences of a mixed bunch of contemporary women.

Happy wanking – Eve.

Extract from Wedding Present (Part X)

…”It’s the story of how I got my current job. Well – not how I got it, obviously that was on merit,” she laughed, “but what happened after the interview.” This was Clare’s saucy disclosure.

Clare had been called back for a third interview. The position was finally within her grasp. She had applied for the post of Database Administrator at a college within London University. The previous interviews had been grueling. In the first a panel of grey men tested her knowledge of using Oracle8i on a Unix platform (whatever that is? I reckon she made it up). The second interview put the remaining candidates together for half a day, set various tasks and assessed their responses and attitudes. The final impression was to be made on a one-to-one basis by one of the College Fellows.

Clare looked again at the letter and re-read the name of Sydney Stafford-Clark. He sounded like a right stuffed shirt. Clare would have to use everything she’d got. She chose a crisp brilliant-white shirt, her tight fitting pinstripe suit and high, slender – heeled court shoes. Looking in the mirror Clare saw the outline of her panties disrupting her sleek silhouette. She slipped them off and reviewed the sight of her reasonably pert arse; it was sitting ripe and proud under the taut striped fabric of her skirt. “that’s better” she smiled to herself as she gave herself a little pat on the bum and smoothed down the skirt.

At the college, Clare was met by a student and shown to the office of Stafford-Clark. Clare knocked and waited. The door opened and a tall dark haired vixen of a woman looked down at Clare and smiled. A Jane Russell type, great tits.

“Ms. Morrison, do come in.” the voice was deep, manly, resonant. Clare pictured the woman smoking a cigar. The melodious voice continued, “I’m so pleased to meet you, I’m Sydney, call me Syd, everybody does.” She practically purred that last bit. “Now do sit down, some tea?”

Clare was aghast, a woman? How had she missed this vital piece of information? She had done so much background research into the University but she had become sloppy in the final run-up. She had simply assumed that Sydney S-C was a man! Damn! How stupid had she been? While Clare tried to recover her composure without revealing her shock and surprise, Sydney was prowling around the chair Clare occupied and appeared to be eye-ing her up? Clare straightened her skirt self-consciously and smiled up at this Amazon specimen. Syd, as she insisted on being called, explained the agenda for the day as she poured the tea into two bone china cups. Clare took the opportunity to get a good look at her interviewer.

She stood six feet tall in high heels. A cascade of chestnut curls fell down her back and across her shoulders like a lion’s mane. She had big strong facial features, large cow-like eyes and a full luscious mouth. Her chest jutted out alarmingly, Clare thought of two loaded canons, then of two miniature women straddling them, like Cher in that video, astride, a breast a-piece. She’d seen something like it in an Eric Stanton drawing. Clare pictured the bra, a sturdy but elegant number. The tan knee length skirt stretched over well-developed thighs and her calf muscles rippled as she leaned forward with the cup. Clare took it in trembling hands. If she concentrated on her breathing for a moment…

Clare was trying vainly to calm the lurid scenes of rampant lesbian sex that were flashing across her mind’s eye as she ogled the heaving bosom of this mighty mare.

“So shall we begin with a tour of the department?” Syd indicated the door and Clare wobbled forward on legs that felt like jelly.

By the time lunch arrived Clare had settled into the subtle game involved in selling herself as the best person for the position. The two women had warmed to each other and frequently laughed at the same things. Throughout the morning their “relationship” had taken a more tactile note. Through doors, Syd guided Clare by the elbow. She touched her shoulder or back whenever introducing her to a staff member and even stroked her hip when proudly showing her the staff fitness suite.

Clare was flirting back in an ambiguous way; she was being warm and friendly, meeting the purpose of the interview, which was to reveal her true nature, would she make a good colleague? Would she work well with the team?

After lunch Syd suggested they retired to her office for a brandy and the interview could be “wound down”. This really had become informal Clare thought, but still she couldn’t assume this wasn’t all part of the test. Syd told her secretary to hold all calls and closed the door behind them. Clare saw her quietly turn the key in the lock and chose to say nothing.

“Let me take your jacket” Syd said, slipping the collar from Clare’s shoulders. As Clare lifted out her arm, her elbow brushed against a big juicy ripe breast, she felt the firm resistance of flesh. As the bony part of her elbow passed over the nipple, Clare felt the sensitive button harden. Clare was becoming moist.

Jacket off and drink in hand, Clare didn’t know where to sit. She stood awkwardly; there was a sofa against one wall and the two chairs across the huge desk from each other. Syd didn’t seem to be giving direction; perhaps Clare’s choice at this point would influence Syd’s decision. Would sitting on the sofa indicate an over-relaxed, casual, even flirtatious attitude? She decided to take the safe bet and sat in the same chair as before. Syd turned from the picture she was studying on the wall, it was a black and white photograph of a Rodin sculpture, a nude female torso, arched in ecstasy. The brandy tasted hot in Clare’s throat.

Syd hitched up her skirt and planted one cheek and thigh on the desk before Clare, her other leg took up the strain, supporting her against the desk. She put down her glass.

“I’d like you to know Clare, that I have been most impressed today in your company”.

“Thank you, I’ve had a most stimulating and enjoyable day” Clare said, as she thought of all the glorious lesbian imagery she’d envisaged throughout. Syd continued.

“I don’t know if you are aware, but the final decision as to who is our next Database Administrator is down to me and having met the other two candidates, I can now make my decision.” She paused to take a sip of brandy. Clare watched as she licked the sticky liquid from her wet lips. Fleetingly Clare imagined a blackmail scenario where the job would be hers if she only licked out this Queen of Wands’ pussy. Clare smiled to herself, as she knew she would leap at the chance voluntarily, job or no job.

“It has been a close race, the other candidates were strong,” Syd reached for Clare’s hand and placing it on her thigh, used it to push up her own skirt hem. Clare responded by gently squeezing the soft flesh that now revealed itself above Syd’s stocking top. Syd perched on the edge of her desk, legs spread and skirt hastily hoisted to her crotch. Clare eased forward on the chair till her hands were resting at the top of those warm firm thighs.

She looked up at the woman, Syd was gorgeous, she looked tousled and abandoned and Clare imagined her moist and dripping pussy. The two women stared into each others’ eyes, silently checking for concordance in what was about to happen. No coercion here.

“Before we go any further,” Syd croaked, “I’d like to offer you the position. Will you accept?” Clare beamed, “Gladly, the terms and conditions look very appealing from here, allow me to show you my gratitude”. She bent to examine the damp patch that was slowly growing through Syd’s panties as Clare stroked and caressed the flesh-filled fabric.

Pulling down those flimsy pants, Clare became aware of her own dripping hole, she could feel the wetness trapped in the crotch of her tights, being smeared over her thighs as she bent down. She couldn’t wait to be touched there, later.

Knickers off, Clare pushed apart Syd’s throbbing thighs and gazed down at the juicy peach of a pussy. She leaned forward to gently lick across the surface of the pouting lips; they seemed to ride back in a smile, allowing the clitoris to poke through like a rude tongue.

Clare greeted this sight with relish, gently lapping at the area around the clitoris, the sensitive skin either side, letting her lips rest on the clit, kissing it softly. Syd was thrashing about, gripping the edge of the desk, her knuckles white. Her legs were spread as far apart as they could be, with the tight restrictive skirt rammed up around her waist. Her blouse had come loose and the buttons conveniently undone. Her breasts strained at the fabric trying to burst out like two over ripe melons. Clare couldn’t wait to get at them but she hadn’t finished with the honey-pot yet. Clare’s tongue flicked and slurped around Syd’s hole, sucking up the cream that oozed sensually from her. Clare slid two fingers inside the hot slippery cavity; slowly she massaged with her fingers while her tongue worked her clit. Syd’s body began to stiffen and tremble, she wanted to push herself down onto Clare’s face and she bent her knees slightly allowing more weight to bear down on Clare’s tongue. Syd wriggled her slippery vagina all over that sweet mouth. Gasping and groaning softly with pleasure she jerked her juice all over Clare’s willing, nuzzling lips and cheeks.

Clare sat back and licked her lips of the succulent juices, now she would get her hands on those gorgeous tits. Syd read her mind and pulled her over to the couch. Clare lay back as Syd straddled her and lowered her heaving bosom onto Clare’s face. Reaching behind her back she undid the bra clasp and let the fleshy globes fall free. Clare groaned and pressed them to her face, kneading and pulling on them with her lips and teeth. They were delicious and Clare was suddenly desperate to get her clit stimulated.

She wriggled out from beneath Syd and unzipping her skirt, slid it to the ground. Her shirt swiftly followed suit, as did the bra. Clare stood beside Syd in her tights and high heels. Her neatly trimmed pubis squashed wetly against the nylon, Syd sucked greedily at her crotch as Clare finally let out a satisfied moan. The older woman fingered her through the fifteen denier, pressing the seam against the most sensitive lubricated flesh. Clare pushed her down roughly, she was near to climax, her gash was gushing, hot, viscous, silky fluid and she wanted to see it smeared all over Syd’s huge jugs…

To read more: everhony.wordpress.com or follow the link “READ MORE! Eve Rhony Tales of a Lusty Lass” in the Links Box.