The Real Porn Wiki Leaks .com


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Mercedes Ashley

Mercedes Ashley

We created a website called This site is launching Monday. Anyone who has been affected by the actual “PornWikiLeaks” site, and have a wiki will now help us to defame that PWL site.

What we are trying to do is bring our website in at a high ranking in Google so when the crawler crawls, it will rise above the defamatory “PornWikiLeaks” site and all press, media and visitors will click onto the protected site. We will defame his site and de-validate every word this man is saying about us.

This will take major porn star help and all of us need to band together and use all the tools we have in marketing with our mailing lists, social networking sites, all that we have. We can overthrow this site with media help and us porn stars. Many of you do not know this but WE have the power. is not posting our real names, addresses or anything we don’t want posted. We are simply going in there and correcting our bios and what was said about us and re-tweeting our bios all day everyday on the hour bringing this website traffic.

Hit the forums with your name and begin posting the TRUTH against the lies this man has said.

Our Bios, will be created by the webmaster. Follow him on twitter: @therealpwl

The site may look empty now but, as time progresses we will constantly add into it. Donny Long is now flipping out about this so I say we piss him off even more!

Here are some example tweets you can send out as I am doing now:

For real porn star Bios, created by the porn stars themselves

All performers that got hit w Wiki, go in2 these forums&post who u r as I did 4the new site

Dont argue w them, just do as I did. Follow my lead.This is an example of a thread all the girls can post.

We need to band together to defame the defamer.

Mercedes Ashley

Your adult film star & friend