By: Company Press Release

(LAS VEGAS, NV) — You are Invited 7th Annual Sin City Chamber Golf Tournament and BBQ Saturday, May 21.
The Chicken Ranch Golf Classic is at Mountain Falls Golf Course in Pahrump, NV. $150 for Non-Members per player, $500 for a foursome. Registration is at 7:30 a.m. Shot Gun Start at 8:00 a.m.
Best Ball Tournament Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Longest Drive, Longest Putt, Closest to the Pin.
*Golf Tournament Fees Include Entry to the BBQ at the World Famous Chicken Ranch Brothel (Entry includes food and beverages)
*BBQ Immediately following the tournament at the Chicken Ranch features: Members Carnival Booths, Golf Awards, Entertainment and Music Contests (Bikini, Special Contests for Attendees) Food, Beverages, Prizes and Fun, Fun, Fun!
Non-Member Entry Fee to the BBQ Only is $35.00. Doors Open at 12:00 noon for the BBQ.
Just call or email us if you want to play in the golf tournament and/or attend the BBQ and we can make arrangements for payment. Wayne Cell: 702-275-2188 Loretta Cell: 702-275-3217
Or sign up on-line at
You will not Want to Miss This Event
Loretta Holt, President
Sin City Chamber of Commerce of Las Vegas
5853 S. Pecos Rd., Ste. 8
Las Vegas, NV 89120
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