Stand for Japan


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Sabrina Deep

The Red Cross

Stand for Japan: An Open Letter

On March 18, 19 and 20, stand for Japan and donate your traffic for promoting donations to the Red Cross.

A simple banner and graphics pointing to the Red Cross donations-for-Japan page on the homepage of every website is an effective way to reach millions of users and to raise money for aiding Japan.

This is a call to the entire adult industry. Models, webmasters, affiliates, producers, distributors, media: we are all called to do our part for one of the most catastrophic and tragic events in modern times; an event which will soon reflect negatively also on worldwide economy and therefore also on this industry which was just slowly coming out from a long crisis.

Let’s do our part to help Japan and our brothers, sisters and friends. Let’s be united for once; let’s not use this catastrophe as a way for personal gain and visibility. Let’s donate traffic, all together, united, for Japan.

Sabrina Deep

The link to the Red Cross for donations to Japan is


For banners and graphics and media inquiries contact Sabrina at