Miss PoleChamp Crowned


Source: Rockstar PR and Management

By: Company Press Release

Miss PoleChamp

(ST. PETE, FL) — World renowned pole dancing champion Nakita Kash has wowed audiences around the United States and was a contestant on NBC’s America’s Got Talent. This 30 time title holder is now planning her next big competition, one to find her successor. Nakita Kash is proud to announce Miss Pole Champ USA, with regional competitions that were just held, leading up to the Nationals on March 18 in Tampa at the legendary Pink Pony Showgirls.

The South West regional, held at Tens Showclub in Tucson, was won by Kat. The West regional, held at Crazy Horse in San Francisco, was won by Penelope. Dreamgirls Seattle hosted the Northwest regional, and Paris won. At Showgirls II in Sunrise, Florida, Asia Kim took the crown. The South regional was held at Stillettos Cabaret in McCallen, Texas and was won by Goddess Qandisa. At Hustler Club in Cleveland, Ohio, Vayda won the Midwest regional. These finalists join the previously announced winners of the other regions at the National Finals March 18 in Tampa.

The National winner receives a host of prizes, including cash, crown, an X-Stage from X-Pole, feature dance training, a ten city feature dance tour, and more! For contest rules and details, please visit www.MissPoleChampUSA.com.

“I have wanted to do something like this for a long time. In between gigs I went to many competitions over the last few years as a judge, assistant and/or coordinator.” Nakita explains, “I had competed so many times that I already knew what worked and didn’t work on the competitors end, but I wanted to get my hands dirty behind the scenes to insure that I was making the right decisions in my competition process. With those experiences I put together the Miss Pole Champ USA™ format.” Fans, clubs and media are encouraged to watch the Miss PoleChamp USA™ video now on YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZU2sePSuCY.

The National Finals will be held March 18, 2011, at Pink Pony Showgirls in Tampa, Florida. The Pink Pony is located at 4009 West Martin Luther King Boulevard. For more information, visit www.pinkponytampa.com or call (813) 443-4874l

Miss PoleChamp USA is proudly sponsored by Tite Grip, the leading antiperspirant to increase hand and foot grip. For more info, please visit www.titegrip.com. Miss PoleChamp is also sponsored by X-Pole and Mighty Grip.
