Parody Potluck & Porn Night


Source: Darklady

By: Company Press Release


Darklady’s “Reno 911/Jon & Kate Fuck 8” Parody Potluck & Porn Night – You have the right to remain horny!

Darklady knows that it’s been a long-ass winter, which means that it’s time for some light entertainment. You can’t get much lighter than these two tongue-in-cheek porn parodies, so come take a load off… so to speak.

Bring your favorite beverage and/or potluck contributions to Darklady Estates and Wonderground, then enjoy comfy, poly/non-monogamy & kink-friendly, pansexual snuggle and play areas stocked with safer sex supplies, and space for socializing.

“Reno 911” & “Jon & Kate Fuck 8”

Ages 18 +

Space is limited so RSVP to

Friday, March 4

Doors Open at 7:00 pm

First Feature Begins at 7:30 pm

$15 individual, $20 duo, $25 trio

(Buy or renew a Club Wonderground membership & entry is FREE)

Darklady’s Wonderground

Portland, Oregon

ACCESSIBLE w/assistance for most mobility limitations

“Reno 911” –

“Jon & Kate Fuck 8” – Everyone knows the sad and enormously public story of Jon & Kate, their billions of children, their sleazy affairs, and their reality-television marriage & divorce. But did you know about their unique attempt at marriage counseling?


Th. March 10: Darklady’s Naughty “Mardi Gras” Karaoke

Sun. March 13: Darklady’s Sex Ed Sunday: “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Gay Porn Stars… but were afraid to ask.”

Wed, March 16: Darklady’s “Holy Grail” Hump Day Social & Game Night

Fri. March 18: Darklady’s Naughty “Night Dreams/FantaSex” Classic

Potluck & Porn Night

Fri. March 25: Darklady’s CFNM Adoration of the Femme Social

Sun. March 27: Darklady’s Naughty “Reform School” Karaoke at The Whiskey Bar(

TBD: Sex Ed Sunday: Sex, Disability & Midget Porn w/Little Stella Marie

