Darklady’s Hump Day Social


Source: Darklady

By: Company Press Release


Darklady knows that some computer geeks think the lyrics are “We all live in a yellow sub routine” but, being the Blue Meanie that she is, she also knows that those people are wrong. Come sing the real (or imagined) songs you know best while being vague about why you can’t remember whether or not you remember seeing this movie before.

Bring a potluck contribution and your favorite game — or indulge in what lurks on the shelves of the Wonderground: Cosmic Wimp-Out, Apples to Apples, Sexual Trivia, Dr. Ruth’s Guide to Good Sex, Dirty Words, Naughty Dice, Truth or Dare, jigsaw puzzles, Mahjong, Cribbage, Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, Scrabble, and more – while watching sexy videos in a comfy pansexual, poly & kink-friendly, clothing-optional snuggle and play area space stocked with safer sex supplies for those so moved.

Donations for Esther’s Pantry are always welcome, but not required. Ages 18 + Wednesday, March 2 7:00 PM – midnight

$5 Club Wonderground Members

$10 Non-Club Wonderground Members

(Buy or renew a Club Wonderground membership & entry is FREE)

Darklady’s Wonderground

Portland, Oregon

RSVP to Darklady@Darklady.com for address

ACCESSIBLE with assistance for most mobility limitations

March Events:

Fri. March 4th: Darklady’s “Reno 911/Jon & Kate Fuck 8 Parody” Potluck & Porn Night

Th. March 10: Darklady’s Naughty “Mardi Gras” Karaoke

Sun. March 13: Darklady’s Sex Ed Sunday: “Everything you Ever Wanted to Know About Gay Porn Stars… but were afraid to ask.”

Wed, March 16: Darklady’s “Holy Grail” Hump Day Social & Game Night

Fri. March 18: Darklady’s Naughty “Night Dreams/FantaSex” Classic Potluck & Porn Night

Fri. March 25: Darklady’s CFNM Adoration of the Femme Social

Sun. March 27: Darklady’s Naughty “Reform School” Karaoke at the Whiskey Bar(www.whiskeybarpdx.com)

TDB: Sex Ed Sunday: Sex, Disability & Midget Porn w/Little Stella Marie (www.littlestellamarie.com)

— Darklady


