Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Lisa Sparxxx

Hey there guys! I just wanted to let everyone know that I was traveling to NYC Jan 24-27. I am shooting for the site so if you have a group that would like to shoot while I am in town please contact me and we will get something set up!
I am also taking private bookings through so if you want to do a more private route that’s the way to go.
Also I mentioned it in a previous email that if you visit you can help me win Miss Go Fast News 2011! I was unaware that you had to register for their free forum to place your 1 vote. I know it’s a pain but I love racing and would love to be able to get to attend some races throughout 2011 and get to see you fans at those events too! So if you have the time please go register and place your vote.
I am also nominated for my very first award! I am proud to say the has been nominated by XBIZ for 2011 MILF Website of the Year! Thanks to XBIZ for the love and on Feb 9, 2011 I will be in LA attending the show and crossing my fingers and toes hoping that all the hard work I have done over the past 10 years on the website pays off and I can bring home the trophy! I am also wanting to shoot in LA as well so if your there near the 9th of February contact me and we will set something up.
I want to thank all you fans for the love and support that you show me time and time again! Thanks and can’t wait to see what the rest of 2011 holds!
With Love,
Lisa Sparxxx