Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Jon Catt

Please help Nina Hartley. She is seeking funds to cover her recovery from surgery, tentatively scheduled for late January/early February 2011. Recovery will take 2-4 weeks, depending on how it goes.
As some of you already know she has fibroid tumors in her uterus. They’re genetic and are not cancer, nor will they turn into cancer, so that’s a blessing right there. However they are unsightly and are starting to cause other, negative side effects. After dealing with them for nearly twenty years the time has come for a permanent solution. She thought that nearing menopause would cause them to shrink but they show no signs of doing so.
So, surgery is the next step. She’s lucky enough to have medical insurance to cover the cost of the operation. What she needs is money to cover her expenses during recovery. In twenty-six years she’s never needed help more.
Some may ask, “What about Ernest?” Her darling husband is facing his own medical crises, as well as a cut back at work. He won’t be able to help her financially, though he’d very much like to do so. He will be there to take care of her when she comes home from the hospital. Anything we raise here will be a big help to both of them at this difficult time.
She’s never asked for help before, and it’s hard for her to do so now, which is why I’m doing this, but this counts as an emergency. She has been hit by the recession as badly as the next person and her reserves won’t cover what she’ll need. Her family is not in a position to help, though they would if they could.
[Please follow the “Give Forward, Give it Away for Nina Hartley” link below this story.]