Xfactor Contestant Gran’s Porn


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Rachael Williams

The Star 23-11-10

Hi Steve, We’ve just had a story break over here in the UK about XFactor contestant Katie Waissel’s grandmother being in UK porn. It made the front page of national newspaper The Star which I’ve scanned in and attached for you. You can see an online version of the story here:



Basically Katie’s gran Sheila Vogel is also an escort under the name of Cecilia Bird but she does porno for us under the name Ruby Tuesday. She claims she’s the oldest porn star in Britain which, at age 81 (82 next month!) could very well be true!

She’s in a film of ours called Freddies Great British Granny Bang which initially aired on our amateur channel Red Hot 40+ and was so popular we aired it on our main channel Television X. I’ve attached a softcore still, the cover for the film and a scan of the front page headline it made today.

We’ve got a blog up on the Television X site if you would link through to us there: www.televisionx.com/blog/?p=3750 [Linked Below]

Kind regards,

Rachael Williams

Marketing Executive

