Source: Roads to Moscow
By: Company Press Release

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — Hot on the heels of the imaginative Rocky Horror Picture Show tribute that aired on Fox Television’s Glee Tuesday night, Wicked Pictures is pleased to announce audition dates for award-winning director Brad Armstrong’s upcoming parody the Rocki Whore Picture Show. News of this exciting casting call follows Wicked’s recent high-profile sponsorship of the official Rocky Horror Picture Show 35th Anniversary Convention in Los Angeles.
In a first for the company, Armstrong will be posting exclusive audition information for aspiring cast members online. ”We’ll be putting up one of the parody songs, with lyrics for people to learn and sing,” he reveals. ”There will also be scenes from the parody script to perform. It should be lots of fun.”
”Obviously we’ll be looking for performers that look like the original cast members, but even more importantly, we’re looking for people that can mimic their mannerisms,” he continues. ”Singing ability is preferred but it’s not mandatory. It’s more important that people have a flair for the dramatic and a willingness to let go and just have fun. Fans of the Rocky Horror Picture Show will obviously have an advantage, but talented people who are quick studies will be welcome. Those who are new to the movie should grab the Rocky Horror Horror Picture Show 35th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray to get up to speed. And if you know the show but haven’t seen it in years, the Blu-ray is a great way to refresh your memory.”
At press time, the most of the film’s leads have yet to be cast. ”The only roles that aren’t up for grabs are those of the Criminologist and Dr. Scott. They’ll be played by James Bartholet and Ron Jeremy respectively. Ronnie actually has a long history with Rocky Horror from back in the day, and even knows some of the original cast members personally,” Armstrong explains. ”I do have some people in mind for certain roles, but nothing has been set in stone. I’m hoping someone comes into the audition completely out of left field and blows me away. I’d love to cast some undiscovered performers alongside the more established actors.”
Auditions will be held on the evenings of November 9th and 10th, 2010, and will be videotaped as part of a behind-the-scenes feature for the DVD release. Advance audition information, including script excerpts and the audition location, will be available on a special page of beginning Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010. Filming of the movie will take place during the first week of December.
In a fitting echo of Tuesday night’s Glee, Armstrong is encouraging prospective cast members to give themselves over to absolute pleasure. ”Don’t be shy,” he emphasizes. ”Feel free to come to the audition dressed up as your favorite Rocky character. Do what it takes to get in the Transylvanian spirit.”
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