Love Ranch Brothel


Source: Love Ranch Brothel

By: Company Press Release

Love Ranch Brothel

(CARSON CITY, NV) — The Love Ranch legal brothel in Carson City, Nevada has offered the 33 Chilean miners just freed from being trapped for over two months underneath the scorching South American desert a ”free night” each with one of their ”ladies-of-the-evening” to celebrate their release from the underground ordeal.

”There are 33 miners, and we happen to have exactly 33 women here at the Love Ranch, the miners were freed on their 69th day of their ordeal–a number which speaks for itself- and our working girls have been watching and hoping with the rest of the world for the safety of these brave men,” says Marc Medoff, General Manager of the open-24-hours-a-day bordello, ”when the miners were released, it was a spontaneous collective inspiration of the brothel’s ladies, the women all wanted to ‘reward’ them for what they had gone through. It was their idea, and the Love Ranch supports them 100%.”

Congratulations on the danger-fraught successful rescue of the miners have been pouring in from around the world, with Us President Barack Obama sending his personal ”thoughts and prayers” to the group as they were one-by-one brought to safety. But the women of the Love Ranch want to do more than just offer ”words.”

”These men suffered so much for so long, without the touch, the embrace, the comfort of a woman, they all need an opportunity to relax with a beautiful lady, who can provide the kind of pleasure and happiness only a Love Ranch working girl can offer,” says Chloe Daniels, one of the brothel’s most popular courtesans, ”We won’t take a penny of their money, these strong men have made their contribution, now we want to make ours!”

The Love Ranch management is appealing directly to the Us State Department to immediately offer temporary visas to the men on ”humanitarian grounds” to permit them to travel to northern Nevada to take the Love Ranch ladies up on their ”offer.” ”As a business that offers it’s services for money, it is very rare that our women would ‘work’ for free-this is how they make their living and support their families,” explains Medoff, ”but everyone here was so touched, so moved by the images of the Chilean miners being rescued from their harrowing plight, all the women wanted to do ‘something.’ We send our greetings and our love to all of the miners, and extend them an open invitation to visit us at the Love Ranch, and allow our wonderful ladies to personally express their ‘appreciation’ for their incredible bravery.”

For Further Information Contact:

Marc Medoff

Director of International Media Operations

The Love Ranch

95 Kit Kat Drive

Carson City, NV 89706

(775) 246-7077

FAX 246-7204