By: Catalina Cruz

Come celebrate my birthday with me this year. I’m giving us all a present… I’ve invited busty and the beautiful pornstar Sienna West to come play with me Live on cam for two very special events!
If you love curvy women and heart big boobs like I do, you will really enjoy these two shows. Both shows will be Thursday, September 16th.
Catalina & Sienna Two girl Blowjob – 7pm EST Catalina & Sienna Girl/girl sex – 8pm EST
If you remember one of my last birthday live events, our stunt cock poked himself through a cake and I ate it all up every last drop. This time I will have some help. It will be a great time. I hope you will join all of us. All I want for my b-day is for you to be there and join my site if you haven’t just yet.
xoxo ~ Catalina Cruz
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