Source: PR 101
By: Company Press Release Presents Exxxtacy 2011 Chicago, Produced and Created by Taboo Productions Inc. Exxxtacy 2011 Chicago will take place on July 8-10, 2011 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center.
With the Exxxtacy 2010 Chicago show this past July an astonishing success, and stars and exhibitors alike reporting they made money and enjoyed the fans and ambiance of Chi-Town, Taboo Productions will bring this exciting event back to the Windy City.
Michael Wittenberg, the show organizer and President/CEO of Taboo Productions stated, ”Our 2010 show was successful beyond my wildest dreams… To show our gratitude we plan on an even better show for them next year! We will be releasing news of some fantastic additions to the Chicago show, so stay tuned!”
For more information please visit the newly re-designed website at There you will find the most up to date information regarding the show, and hundreds of pictures of Exxxtacy 2010.
For information about sponsorship packages, stars attending, contests and events associated with the Exxxtacy 2011 events please visit the show website at The website is always updated with current show information.
The Exxxtacy 2011 shows are produced by Taboo Productions Inc.
Exxxtacy 2011
Office: 516-225-9685 or
877-EXXXTACY (877-399-9822) Toll Free
Fax: 877-663-3051