Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Daejha Milan

A Statement Released by Daejha Milan about ”Porno Samurai Killer”, the compilation DVD starring Steve Driver and Tom Dong.
”Last week it was brought to my attention that Mike Ramone, through Robert Hill Entertainment, released a DVD titled, ”Porno Samurai Killer”. I must admit I had many thoughts and emotions running through my mind. How could a company actually WANT to profit off of a tragic situation that occurred right in our own Industry?
I put in a call to Mike Ramone but have yet to receive a response. I read in an XBIZ Article that the owner of Robert Hill Entertainment released the following statement: ”This movie is in honor of Steve Driver and Tom Dong (let them rest in peace) for their dedication and hard work for the adult business,” Robert Hill owner Lynton said. ”There is no business without all the actors and actresses.”
Really? Are you eff’en kidding me? In honor of Steve Driver? For their Dedication and Hard Work? So then, I guess the movie is all out-takes of them behind the scenes then, right?
I understand that the Porn Industry is well known for mainstream spoofs — ie. movies, situations that happen to ”living” celebrities, etc. I not only knew Tom Dong the actor but I knew Herbert Wong the man. That is not something many people can say. Tom and I were roommates for over a year from 2007 thru 2008. He was my brother and my BFF.
Tom loved his spoiled little dog Cole which I used to call ”Dior” because she had so much attitude for something so small. Something I’m sure the aforementioned producers probably had no idea. Also, I suppose all their profits will be donated in Herbert Wong’s name to the SPCA since they know how much he loved animals and they have nothing but honor in their hearts?
I’d also like for them to download a copy of the Memorial Service they held in Tom’s Honor. Oh wait, that’s right, they didn’t have one! This company is obviously struggling and have nothing better to do than pretend to ”care” for profit.
Maybe somebody should spoof the real reason Mike Ramone was let go from his position at AVN. Bet that would sell! If for any reason I need to be contacted please feel free to email
I will be happy to have that conversation. Thank you for your very valuable time. Have a Fabulous Day!”
Daejha Milan