Racism in Porn Valley


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Justin Long

Justin Long

This is a subject that induces fear, panic, anger, and emotions. It is a subject of conversation to very few, and normally those few are a specific demographic of people. That demographic of people are the people that are on the receiving end, and thus is why it is in conversation, and often. I too have engaged in long, and emotion filled conversation with people regarding this. This is because, this is my demographic. The Black Race.

Racism in Porn Valley

By Justin Long

For a long time I have been concerned, stressed, and pissed off to say the least about the state of racial relations in the Adult Industry. I too have been guilty to some point as of late by conversing with female stars that don’t do interracial scenes. In hind sight this was bad, and foolhardy.

I am far from a racist having been born to a Black father, and a White mother. My father was never around (in fact I have only met him four times in my life and haven’t spoken with, or seen him in over 20 years), and thus I was raised by my White mother and my half sister who is also mixed Black, and White. Growing up in Oregon partially I have experienced my share of racism.

However, until entering the adult industry, I had never experienced it on such a massive level, and had to endure it on a day to day basis. With growing up with my mothers side of the family only I have always been around White people. Growing up however, I have had Black influences, as my aunt and mother only dated Black men, and visiting and eventually living with my aunt who was the first White woman to ever live in the notorious projects of Seaside, CA. Enough about my life.

Today I have canceled what work I had in LA and informed my agents that effective immediately, I will no longer be doing any sort of IR porn. This decision was not easy. I am not racist as I have stated and obviously could not be with a White mother and family. I will suffer from this decision no doubt, but I feel the mental anguish will be less of a burden than the financial. I feel horrible thinking that this is the only way for people to know exactly how I feel, and more over the only way for me to yell out, if you will, ”what the fuck, this is bullshit!” Some will say, ”Well, you are being racist yourself in this decision.”

I would have to agree. It is wrong for anyone to say they won’t work with someone because of skin color or nationality, however, what is a Black star to do if he/she is fed up with the racial profiling he/she has to endure everyday in this industry? This is not just about getting between a contract star’s legs. This is about, the fact that every solid thing that a black star is not allowed to earn in the adult industry can be led back to three simple things; Agents telling girls ”no interracial” or convincing them not to do IR, big companies refusing to shoot a fair percentage of content involving Black talent, and girl being given the choice of whether or not they want to choose co-talent solely on the basis of skin color or nationality.

This whole situation saddens me to no end. I am pissed off that I served in the military to protect the freedoms of the same people that would discriminate. I am pissed off that I served in the military and this is what my country does for me, i.e.: nothing, and continues to allow discrimination in my work place. So, the normal way this goes down is a girls statement, ”I don’t do IR I’m sorry, it’s nothing personal”. How the fuck could it not be personal when a girl tells you that she will not work with you because of the color of your skin?

Even worse it’s not the color of your skin, obviously, because these same girls work with European and Latin darker-skinned male stars that are not labeled Black. The same contract and non-contract stars that say they don’t do IR are still working with non-White performers. To make it worse a percentage of them are getting fucked off screen by Black males, either talent or civilian. So what really does the term IR mean? It sure in the hell doesn’t mean anyone not of that girl’s nationality. For example, if an Asian girl doesn’t do IR, it should mean she only works with Asian male stars, right? Well, that’s not the case. It means she will work with anyone that is not labeled Black by the Adult Industry.

Some girls say, ”I don’t like the movies that they put me in when I do IR so I don’t do IR.” Guess what? We Black people don’t like the movies that stereo type us, and makes us look like we just degrade White girls either. Do you realize that a Black male star’s staple income often times is shooting BBW movies? Nothing wrong with BBW. I adore a lot of them and they rarely have an attitude which is so common among other female stars. But when was the last time you saw a top White or non-Black male star have to staple his income with BBW shoots? I’m a skinny Brotha — again nothing wrong with BBW women, and I mean that. I have gone out with some in my personal life — but I’m just trying to show the very uneven contrast in the industry.

Is being Black a target? Is it the kiss of death in the industry. A couple of male performers I know are Black, but very light skinned, and seem to work with these girls on a regular basis as they have not been Labled Black. Non-IR girls have no issues shooting with them, so you would think maybe it’s just the color of the skin. But then you get to darker European, Asian, and Latino male talent, all of a sudden brown skin has no bearing!

So, does ”it’s not personal” continue to fly as a real statement? Absolutely not. Girls and agents like to say that saving IR extends the life of a girl’s career. I have very serious doubts about that and will use a star I have worked with many times as an example. This girl has shot IR from day one in the industry, as far as I am aware. Very early in her career I had shot with her more than any male in the industry — White, Black or other. Now she is arguably the biggest contract star in the world. So tell me exactly how did IR extend or hurt her career.

The fact is that non-IR girls use Black male talent as stepping stones and that is morally bankrupt in thought and action. Girls are permitted to do IR and then not do IR, and then start to do it again when their bookings slows down. The sad part is that Black male talent are willing to shoot with these girls which basically is telling them it’s ok to exhibit this morally lacking behavior, and it’s alright to disrupt our income. Black males are telling these girls that we are ok with the scraps that they are throwing our way.

The fact is that every girl that refuses to do IR is saying (regardless if they speak the words) I’m doing what’s best for me and I don’t care what happens to you (Mr. Black male talent). Every girl that refuses or dips in and out of doing IR effects every Black male star’s annual income.

If contract stars did IR, you’re damn right I and others would have more scenes because we have directors that would kill to shoot those scenes. It is the same with all non-IR shooting females. Black males have no problem if the girls are selective in their choosing of who they shoot with and who the won’t shoot with. That’s fine. But to just say ”sorry your Black?” Hello! Wake the fuck up!” it’s offensive, and then to follow it up with ”it’s nothing personal,” that just makes us even more angry because there is no way to take it but personal. The girl will take 10 cocks in a day — in the ass, pussy, and mouth and multiple cocks at a time — as long as none of them are Black? Come on! We are Black, not stupid!

So people will ask ”why do you even care?” Here are just a few answers: For awards they look at the top girl’s movies, so if Blacks can’t work with the top girls then how do We get looked at, or even come close to getting any awards. I would sure like to fly to Jamaica or Hawaii to shoot a feature! No go. This is just a couple of trickle down effects, and it doesn’t even scratch the surface.

Does any one think it weird that at AVN their are like 15 males nominated for best male performer and every year there are never more than three Black males in that category, and 95% of the time it’s won by a White — or I’ll say non- Black — performer that is hooked up with the Vivids, Wickeds, and VCAs of the industry.

However, even more funny is if you look at the nominees for ”Most Unsung Male Performer” at AVN. There are usually around 8 or 9 guys nominated, and the list is predominately Black male performers. How about equality? It’s just an Idea. How many non-Black males are under contract right now? How many Black males are under contract right now? How many White females are under contract right now? Now how many Black females are under contract right now?

Starting to get the picture? Black people are starving and getting outside jobs and leaving the industry because they can’t pay their bills, but their counterparts are acting like nothing major has happened because half of them are under contract with guaranteed money, and the other half are working because the economy put mostly smaller companies out of business but not the big ones. So, who do you think shot the majority of IR? Smaller companies. Follow twitter. Sure some of what you read is a lie, but you will see people post ”I’m working,” or ”I’m on set.” Start keeping track and tell me what you see over a week and then let’s chat.

This is trickle down economics, people. Top White girls refuse to work with Black males. Top companies refuse to shoot Black males. Top companies, and girls often could give a flying fuck about Black females. How is it that Black females on average make less, and work less then White females? How is it that often even if, for example, Wicked, VCA, or Digital Playground shoots a feature and has a Black talent in it, its like One Black talent out of a cast of like seven or more? Are they really saying that is how the world looks when you walk out your front door? Or is this their own private little White world?

Last time I checked Black pirates were common in the 1700s. Also last time I checked Blacks were a strong contingent in the military, so how are war movies going to have One Black guy out of an entire military unit and still be realistic. For far too long the Industry has, in a large part, just used Black people as tokens. Unfortunately for Blacks, Black people in this business appear to be too damn stupid to stand together, and say enough is enough.

Too many people are looking out for themselves and worrying about what the company owners will say. Here’s a clue: Big company owners don’t give a fuck about Black talent. Behind closed doors, to many in the industry, we are ”Niggers.” that’s fact… That’s the way the world is.

They like our music, and love our food, and our women, but despise us, and will never look at us as equals. This is the same conclusion drawn by some Blacks in the industry when told ”I’m sorry I don’t do IR, nothing personal though”.

Funny, a friend (White female star) just texted me back after I canceled our content shoot (told her I was no longer doing IR) her response was ”Did I do something wrong?” I guess it goes to show we all have an issue being told your money is going to get fucked up because of the color of your skin, huh?

I’m tired, I don’t want to yell, I don’t want to have a target on my back, and I don’t want to loose work or have to cause waves, but I also don’t want to feel like some fuckin’ leper at work either. I would rather be judged as an individual when it comes to talent selection.

Does color have to come in to the casting decision sometimes? Yes, of course. You can’t have a Black man play George Washington anymore than you could have a White woman play Whoopi Goldberg. Do you have any idea what it feels like to go to work and have 60% of your co-workers say, ”Sorry… won’t work with you, you’re Black.” Trust me it’s a shitty feeling, and then to have your advancement opportunities capped because you can’t work with some of that 60%. Shit, now you’ll just get mad.

My actions and reactions are in direct correlation with the actions and inflammatory speech and actions that are being taken and enacted against people of my color. The racism and discrimination needs to stop. Equality has been earned.

Justin Long

Adult Film Star