Source: X’Show
By: Company Press Release

(MOSCOW, RUSSIA) — Ever more people display interest in intimate products that help add moral and physical satisfaction to their sexual life. The abundance of intimate goods offered to the customer goes far beyond one’s imagination with ever more nano- and biotechnologies and the latest achievements of chemistry and medical science being used for the purpose.
Modern materials from every possible industry are used in sex industry that has been experiencing dynamic growth the world over. It is a fast developing multibillion market. For example, in Germany, the profit from sales of stimulants alone is Euro 1.5 billion. In China, sex shops emerge at every corner. Beijing alone counts more than 2,000 intimate merchandise shops with the number constantly growing. In Russia, the amount of sex shops has been increasing as well, and, if in 2009 the annual turnover in the country hardly exceeded $100 million, the middle of this current year will witness a 20 percent growth of the market.
Specialized exhibitions and shows are part and parcel of the sex industry and sex shop products and services promotion, and make a perfect communication ground for the purpose. These include the Venus show in Germany, Sexpo in Australia, and the Adult Entertainment Expo in the USA. In Moscow, a similar project appeared in 2002 and its name is %’show for adults. X’show unites exhibitors promoting unique intimate goods of highest quality.
The show traditionally features all leaders of the Russian sex industry as well as producers from the Us, Germany, Poland, France, Canada, Japan, China, Czech Republic, Italy, and other countries. All companies exhibit wide assortment of sex products: toys and souvenirs, erotic female and male lingerie, fetish clothes and accessories, intimate cosmetics and perfume, erotic mass media and literature, etc.
We are pleased to invite you to visit X’show-2010 for adults that will take place in Moscow within May, 27-30, 2010 in the T-Module exhibition center. The show is open daily from 13.00 to 22.00, both weekdays and weekend.
Please be advised that persons below 18 years of age are not allowed to the show.
For further information should you visit our website:
Contact Person:
Mr. Boldirev Vladimir,
tel/fax: +7 495 730 75 82, e-mail:
The next X’show is the 10-year Anniversary Exhibition that will be held within May, 26-29 2011 at new fairgrounds. At the exhibition will be arranged Sexy Lingerie Show.