Pinnacle Info Error


Source: PR 101

By: Company Press Release

Pinnacle Info ErrorPR 101 writes press releases based solely on the information provided by the client. If that information is found to be incorrect, and the client refuses to issue a retraction for the incorrect data, then the journalistic responsibility falls to Adult Industry News ( to expose the incorrect information.

Pinnacle Administered Wrong Test

After examining one of the tests administered that was supposedly Industry standard, it was discovered they were administering the Elisa test, and not the PCR DNA AIDS test.

It was meticulously explained to Pinnacle when PR 101 was hired to write their press releases, that the only HIV test recognized by the Adult Industry is the PCR DNA AIDS test. The PCR DNA test can detect exposure from ten days to two weeks previous to testing, and the Elisa test can’t detect exposure for six months.

Pricing Not Lowest

The pricing quoted, ”Adult Industry Standard tests for $105,” according to Cedar Sinai hospital where the lab work was done, is for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and the Elisa test, and not the PCR DNA AIDS test, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea. The correct Industry Standard tests would total $140.

PR 101 is no longer associated with The Pinnacle Medical Group of L.A.