Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Company Press Release

From time to time a letter to the editor will come in to Adult Industry News ( that needs to be published to prove that many of us in the Adult Entertainment Industry are are quick to stand up for our values — unlike so many of our detractors. Dave Cummings is often the first to stand. Let’s not let him stand alone! -Ed.
Dave writes:
This is Something Related to This Weekend, Something Quite Inspirational
Now that it is almost that time of year again the below link is what I think is the most memorable Star Spangled Banner that I’ve ever seen on TV at a Super Bowl – or probably anywhere else for that matter.
This reminds me of the time I was on the Staff & Faculty at West Point from 1978-1982, and we brought the Americans who had just been released in Iran (from the Iranian invasion of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran) into the Cadet Mess Hall where cadets broke out in a spontaneous/loud/constant/teary chant of ”USA, USA, USA, etc” to welcome the captives back to the United States–then, we all joined them for the belated Thanksgiving meal they had just missed; as we were exiting the mess hall the ”USA” chanting spontaneously began again. It was absolutely awesome!
If you recall, the prisoners were flown from Mehrbad Airport in Tehran to Germany for a quick medical examination, and then directly to the air base near West Point — for that 3-day stop-over at the Thayer Hotel on West Point, we provided them with privacy for their family reunions before they went to Washington, D.C. For an official homecoming welcome.
For their stay, because my family and had just returned from a two-year assignment in Saudi Arabia (where, besides being the J-1 Director of Personnel for the senior Department of Defense command in Saudi Arabia, I attended meetings in Tehran), I was temporarily acting as the Liaison Officer between the United States Military Academy at West Point and the U.S. State Department–my daughter, a high school student at the time, was a part-time waitress at the Thayer Hotel Dining Room and also got to witness the joy of the returnees.
I loved the smiles, the happiness, and the love of America that the returnees showed. (Linked below)