Conan O’Brien Offered Porn Deal



By: Gianni Driver

Conan O

(HOLLYWOOD, CA) — Pink Visual announces offer to employ veteran Talk Show host and comedian, Conan O’Brien. In what currently seams to be a heated issue at NBC Universal production and television broadcast company, in which O’Brien is being forced out of his current host position of the Tonight Show, in order to be replaced by previous host, Jay Leno.

What appears to be a comedy bit segment about possible future career options for Conan O’Brien, the porn producer Pink Visual is not heartily taking it as a laughing matter.

Apparently, the switch from Leno originally hosting the Tonight Show to a new 10pm show was, ”Just a short lived 52 week Experiment”, according to NBC network executives, and now they want to put him back into the previous time slot. Conan O’Brien and his comedic show franchise group employees are a little bit agitated by the demands from the television network. O’Brien believes that his many years of devoted, loyal service to the broadcast giant, and all of his personal sacrifices that it takes to forge a brand that people have grown to appreciate is not easy to do, and that he is not being given the credit that he deserves from the executives.

Filling the shoes of the great founder of the Tonight Show by Johnny Carson in the very same studio lot is not an easy task, and it is a very coveted position in which Conan had dreamed to one day achieved. The staff and team members of the Conan O’Brien show know that they are being treated unjustly by having their legal contract broken, and they are doing everything they can think of in order to maintain their position at the current time slot in a very historical show biz legacy.

The comedic segment, in which O’Brien discussed what the rumored job options he might have included a list, similar to David Letterman’s Top Ten, which he read in part as follows: ”I could… Televise my own colonoscopy on the Bravo Channel in a show called ”Project Funway”, … I could… Convince NBC to let me keep this time slot if I can gain 10 pounds of chin.” He later went on to finish up the list with this punch line, ”… Or I could… Leave television altogether, and work in a classier business with better people, like hard core porn.”

Within the immediate few days after the television broadcast of the show airing, Pink Visual’s Brand and Product Manager, Kim Kysa, sent off a business proposal letter to Conan at his California studio address at NBC in Universal City, California. The letter went on with overboard porn references and sexual innuendoes, begging and pleading for him to work even any position possible including the mail room, and it didn’t stop there, it even went so far as to request that he shoot a gay porn entitled, ”Pound Me, I’m Irish”. The actual full letter has been archived, and it can be viewed for reference purposes here: Link to Letter written to Conan O’Brien from Pink Visual by Kim Kysa is available at:

Watch the Tonight Show clip that started the whole debacle:

*Photo Courtesy of Pink Visual