Candida’s ‘Royalle’ Reception


Source: Femme Productions, Inc.

By: Company Press Release

Candida Royalle and Petra Joy

Candida Royalle, known for her internationally acclaimed line of woman-friendly erotic films, returned triumphant from her trip to Berlin where she was honored for her pioneering work in paving the way for women to create female-centered adult films at the first ever ‘PorYes’ Feminist Porn Awards.

Also honored at PorYes was European director, Petra Joy, whose newest feature, ”Feeling it!”, is being released by Candida Royalle under her Femme Productions label.

Royalle also presented an overview of her Femme line of films at the fourth annual PornFilmFestBerlin, an international gathering of filmmakers showing and viewing erotic-themed media from cutting edge experimental to documentary to explicit features.

Royalle introduced a series of clips to show the evolution of her film line that includes 18 features in 25 years. Inspired by the enthusiastic response, she is working on a compilation of scenes from her body of work that will include an option to hear her talk about each scene, including interesting behind the scenes anecdotes and why she chose to include each particular scene.

Royalle kicked off her stay in Berlin at the International Venus Erotic Fair where her celebrated line of Natural Contours designer vibes was on display. With her at their elegant booth were her Dutch designer and representatives of the Natural Contours sales team.

Candida Royalle, a sought after speaker on women’s sexuality and free speech, is a member of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT), author of ”How to Tell a Naked Man What to Do: Sex Advice from a Woman who Knows”(Simon & Schuster), and a founding board member of Feminists for Free Expression (FFE).

For more information or to schedule an interview with Candida Royalle, email: or call and leave a message at 212-979-5988.

Femme Productions, Inc.

PO Box 268

New York, NY 10012