The News Rack: Jazella Moore’s 1st Dance Gig


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Steve Nelson

Jazella Moore

The ”Politician Fired, Wife a Pornstar” story went viral since the story broke on Adult Industry News July 17. The news that X-Fort Myers Beach Town Manager Scott Janke’s wife, Anabela Janke, is the pornstar known as Jazella Moore, spun the town into a media frenzy, and changed their lives forever.

Jazella Moore and her husband, Scott Janke, returned to Fort Myers, near the town he was fired from, for Jazella’s first feature dancing engagement. She was booked at Club Escapades, one of South West Florida’s classiest clubs, from the 9th through the 12th of September.

It’s my job here at Adult Industry News to observe and report, and as owner of Adult Industry News I get quite a few perks that come along with the job. For example; being flown to Florida, stay in a mansion, spend time in a strip club, ride in limousines, and hang out with strippers – I have the pleasure of calling that ”working”.

Being a roadie does, however, does come with responsibilities. I was there for Jazella’s first dance gig because Jazella and Scott had hired me as PR consultant after Scott was fired. I was there for her support and to show them what a good roadie should do for Jazella’s future feature gigs.

Upchuck Airlines

I booked a red-eye out of LAX and it wasn’t until I was at the airport that I discovered it now costs $20 to check a bag. I was floored! The reason I check one bag is it contains my Leatherman utility tool which I’m never without. I immediately got a bad feeling about this flight.

On board all the seats were taken and I was supposed to be seated next to a lady with a baby. Fortunately, the husband asked if I’d switch seats with him. I thought I had just avoided the unnerving cries of a newborn all night, and was grateful to squeeze into a middle seat. It was quite cramped, but somehow the bad feeling about this trip was still with me.

Once we were in the air, before the seat belt sign had even gone off, the guy directly behind me started vomiting all over himself. The arcid, sour stench of puke was unmistakable and was wafting throughout the cabin. Three stewardess and a steward all came to the guy’s aid and were hovering over him trying to get him to use the barf bags, but apparently the guy wanted to wear his previous meal instead. It was a very long flight.

With the rancid, stink of bile still fresh in my nostrils from the retching in the seat behind me all the way across the United States, I felt a calm relief amid the almost stupor of tiredness from the long tedious night. Usually I love the red-eye flights and sleep like a log, but not this time.

More Media Madness

The Club Escapades limo picked me up shortly after I got my bag and drove me to a huge house on the water in Fort Myers. There must have been a half dozen bathrooms, at least as many bedrooms, a pool, jacuzzi, pool table – it was beautiful! Decorated tastefully and huge!

After I took a short nap the limo picked us all up to go to the press conference scheduled for all the local mainstream media outlets. Jazella, her husband, Scott, Jazella’s makeup artist, Carol and friend Mike, and myself all piled into the limo.

The media for the most part have treated this loving couple kindly, however, they are now out for a sensational story and the pressure was on to get as much dirt as they could. When we got to Club Escapades there were about a half-dozen TV cameras set up and a couple of dozen reporters and technicians gathered in the champagne Room. Poor Jazella who isn’t used to this sort of frenzy held up very well. She handled herself professionally under all this pressure, though some of the reporters tried to get her to say things specifically slanted for their stories.

Somehow the media got the idea that there was going to be a stage show lampooning the Mayor and City Council, ridiculing the firing of her husband. Jazella’s answer to that question, ”You will have to wait and see for yourself”, was reported as ”She said the show would include a parody of the town council” on NBC channel 2’s 5 o’clock news. Not true. Seems the local media spins things negatively. The only one who got it right was John from the Naples Daily News who stayed and reported on the show from inside the club. If you want accurate reporting in South West Florida go to or pick up a copy of the Naples Daily News.

The Shows

Later that evening we returned to the club for Jazella’s first dance show ever. She, up until this very night, had never, EVER been on stage before in her life! Talk about jumping in with both high heels! It was apparent to the house girls she was nervous and they were really helpful.

The girls at this club are phenomenal! Not only are they babes, they are treating Jazella like a sister! In all my years of frequenting strip clubs I’ve never seen it to this degree. I can’t say enough good things about them!

Jazella’s first song on stage was a tribute to America. She brought on stage an American flag, had patriotic music, and a skimpy military-style outfit. It took her about half way into the second song before I could see her relax a bit. Though she didn’t yet have fancy dance moves, she still was graceful. At one point a man stood at the foot of the stage and threw one hundred bills into the air and made it rain money.

The next night’s show was rehearsed that morning at the club before it opened. One of the house girls, Ivy, was kind enough to come in early to help Jazella with her pole work. Again, for the very first time on stage anywhere, for Jazella to jump into featuring with both heels was a pretty gutsy move for her. At one point Ivy, Jazella, and Carol, Jazella’s makeup artist, were on stage before the club opened talking and practicing pole work, preparing for that night’s show. All the girls at Escapades were behind Jazella 100%. I hope you get to the club and find the delicious brunette with the chin length hair, Ivy, working nights and show her some appreciation.

Jazella wore a gypsy costume her first set and was visibly more relaxed than the previous night. For her second show Jazella was joined on stage by a few of the house girls for some sexy floor work. Each night that went by, each set she performed I could see Jazella get more comfortable on stage. Scott was enthralled by his wife’s performances and amazed at how well she took to the limelight.

Saturday night was great! The first show of the night was cops themed. Jazella brought up a beautiful blonde girl named Paris to dance with her for this set as her sexy prisoner. The following songs saw a bottle of lotion appear which got squirted all over them and lotion rubbed all over their bodies.

For the second show Jazella invited the house dancers up on stage with her. She was so impressed by their kindness to her that she wanted to share tips with them. The girls were so good to her! They were tipping her from their own g-strings. She was touched by how they helped her and were so friendly towards her.

Club Escapades

Jose, the owner of Club Escapades made it in the last night we were there. Jose had been suffering with a thrown back for the previous few days and this was the first opportunity I had to meet him. He runs one of the best clubs I’ve ever been to, including his girls and crew. It’s a small club but has a nice layout.

Tony was the first to greet us in behalf of the club when we got there the first night. He is extremely proud of the girls, claiming they are the best group at any club anywhere. His crew are also top notch, treating Jazella and Scott – and myself – like royalty!

Pete, one of the managers, was there on our last night and settled up by explaining the paperwork to both Scott and Jazella, she endorsing her check back to the club and Pete paying her in cash. Simple, quick and easy. Good business.

Paris is a beautiful young blonde who is a single mom taking care of not only her 5 year old, but her niece as well. It’s amazing the responsibility some of these girls shoulder and still have a smile and a friendly hug for the patrons here.

Jaded, an inked brunette, had so much body art that her pasties are permanent. She’s a mother of two who talked about how tough it is for a single mom to provide for her family. Watching her work in the champagne room would have turned me into an art collector if I could have fit her into my suitcase and bring her home.

One of the dancers was celebrating her 21st birthday this weekend. She was a cute, petite dancer named Vanilla. She spontaneously lap danced on both Jazella and Scott. Dee, Vanilla’s mom, was there at the club to support her daughter. It’s like a big family at this club. Dee is a sexy older woman who was a dancer, and knows most of the girls there outside the club.

Mike Merkle, a great DJ, was a pleasure to meet, and he kept the atmosphere up-beat and running smooth, and the bouncers kept order when needed.

The patrons seemed to be a group of good people as well. Billy, a Steelers fan, in a full football costume including soft helmet, was one of the customers and a regular there. He attended almost every show. I talked for a long time with Billy.

The limo driver, Mike, was interested in doing porn, he should do well, I talked with him about some contacts I have in Florida. I was able to talk 2 girls OUT of doing porn while I was there too. Not everyone would be happy playing in the cat box.


It was wonderful spending time with Scott and Jazella at the house Jose had provided for us. The weather was stormy off and on, and the tropical rain was a refreshing change from the California weather I had become used to. Jazella has become much more relaxed about the shows. She is a quick study and will do well as a feature entertainer if she so chooses. Scott is also catching on to the adult entertainment scene. They both have gotten some conflicting advice from different people leading up to this point and are just now sorting out the good information from the bad. I was glad to have a part in this. I was sad this trip had to come to an end.

Sunday I caught a flight out, and with a brief layover in Texas was home again. Scott and Jazella are now back in New England to settle in. They hadn’t even unpacked their bags since this all started back in July. They are looking forward to at least two weeks at home after this. It’s my job to observe and report, so there you have it!

About Jazella Moore:

The fact that Fort Myers Beach Town Manager Scott Janke’s wife, Anabela Janke, is the pornstar known as Jazella Moore, spun the quiet town into a tumultuous media frenzy. Now ”MILF” can mean two things: ”Mother I’d Like to F***” and ”Manager I’d Like to Fire”. Jazella Moore is the lovely housewife from Fort Myers Beach, Florida, who not only stands by her politician husband, but has a career as an adult actress. She started her career early 2008, and has done several movies and websites. Click to and you will find an attractive woman with thick waist-length blonde hair, slim figure, a Height of 5’4”, with the measurements 34B-24-32. When they married for love they knew were in for a roller coaster ride. Those who meet these two will have to agree, this has become the next great American love story!

About Scott Janke:

William ”Scott” Janke has had an outstanding career serving small city governments – that is until Jazella’s career took the national spotlight. ”for the good of his community” Scott is no longer employed as the town manager of Fort Myers Beach, and he leaves with no hard feelings towards the Mayor or town council. Scott’s impressive career started after graduation from the University of Florida, and working as a town planner in three Florida communities. From 1989 to the end of 2002 he used his talents in various city government positions in Alaska. Scott then moved back to Florida and continued to work as a town manager. His most recent position as such was in the beautiful little town of Fort Myers Beach. Jazella Moore and Scott Janke are represented by PR 101 for all media. Those wishing to contact either of them please email for consideration.

For Jazella Moore Feature Appearances Contact:

Dave Michaels at A-List Features


or Frank Bane at Continental Agency


For Jazella Moore Bookings Contact:

September Dawn

A-List Talent


For Jazella Moore and Scott Janke Interviews and PR Contact:

Steve Nelson

Public Relations Director, PR 101
