Source: A! Entertainment News
By: Company Press Release

(HOLLYWOOD, CA) — Rude TV being on hiatus is not going to silence Tony Bones. Tony Bones is the latest addition to A! Entertainment.
Tony Bones, an adult personality at one time with Talking Sex Radio, KSEX, and Rude TV, advances in the adult industry by reporting for A! Entertainment News. ”I am exited to be able to have an outlet and still be seen and heard. I want to thank Tony Batman for this opportunity. I told people I would be heard from again. This is one of the next steps.” The a Entertainment People are everywhere!
Tony Bones will bring you the latest from red carpets to industry parties, Interviews and Strip Clubs. will also host some of this content.
Tony Bones also takes a step in front of the camera. When asked why start performing at 41, he replied ”Why not!? I’m not the average male talent. I represent the guy watching it who is not perfect but enjoys sex.”
You can read Tony Bones stories on Make sure you also check out to see the rest of the story.
A! Entertainment is the brain child of Tony Batman and has blossomed into a Nationally recognized and respected online portal for the latest Adult News, press, Industry Parties, Sexy Mainstream Events, Rock Bands, and of course all of our country’s Strip Clubs.
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