Scott Janke & Jazella Moore: The Interview



By: M. Dickinson

Scott Janke & Jazella Moore

Scott Janke and Jazella Moore Interview, Tuesday, September 01, 2009 courtesy of M. Dickinson,

Jazella Moore and Scott Janke were the neighbors next door in Anytown, USA; Fort Myers Beach, Florida to be exact. Janke worked as the City Manager of Fort Myers Beach, and Moore a mother. All was fine till news broke that Moore had once shot a few adult scenes. Soon after, Janke was fired as City Manager.

1) Did you expect the publicity that came your way? Were you ready for it?

No, we never expected the kind of worldwide news coverage that resulted from the initial story. We were caught off guard and kind of went into a reaction mode for the first week or so.

2) How long had you been involved in the adult industry? How did you get started?

Jazella: I got involved in the adult industry about 18 months ago. I actually had not done any work after we got married except for one shoot in Feb that had been committed to prior to our marriage.

3) How long had you worked as City Manager in Fort Myers Beach?

Scott: I started as Town Manager in Fort Myers Beach on March 3rd 2008. I have been a public servant, City Manager for most of my adult life.

4) Why do you think that it’s a big deal in America when people who work in the public sector are involved with the adult industry (or even talk about sex), yet America readily accepts, and endorses to their kids, sports and entertainment ”heroes” who do?

Scott: We don’t think it is a big deal at all. One has nothing to do with the other. As a Town/City Manager my wife’s occupation, as long as it is legal, should have no impact on my career. TV, print media and the internet, places where we and our children (speaking about people in general) all visit on a daily basis is full of sex. Had my job been impacted by my wife’s work prior to the breaking of this story?? Was I respected in Fort Myers Beach before the story broke?? The answer to these questions really identifies how silly my termination was.

5) Were you expecting someone to find out about your wife working in the industry and preparing for the day the news would come out? Were you expecting to be fired if it did come out?

Scott: No, I didn’t expect the news to come out. As I mentioned earlier, she really wasn’t working anymore. We used to talk about her being recognized and what might happen if she was. We never thought I would be fired because of it though. Our concern was more about family and how people might react to us if the story came out. In the end the general public has been very supportive.

6) Was there any history between you and Mayor Kiker?

Scott: Mayor Kiker and I worked very closely together.

7) As a former City Manager, you know well the problems cities in Florida (as well as throughout the country) face; crime, shortfalls in budgets, education.

With the problems Fort Myers Beach faces, and with the complexity of the City Manager job, why is it even news what your wife does for a living?

Scott: It shouldn’t be news, other than maybe a blip on the local media pages. However, because the headline was Town Manager terminated because of wife’s career it made international headlines. This never should have happened and our lives should not have been so greatly impacted.

8) Talk about zoning and adult businesses. Any inside information you can talk about with Fort Myers Beach or Fort Myers purposely targeting or harassing adult businesses?

Scott: Fort Myers Beach doesn’t really allow, through zoning regulations, adult type businesses.

9) What’s next?

Jazella:Because of the news coverage I have had to take advantage of the situation to help financially support our family. I am going to be a featured dancer at the Club Escapades in Fort Myers from 9/9 – 9/12.? I have also done s few shoots since the story broke. I am scheduled to be in Hustler in December and January. I hope to land additional work with the help of my agent, September Dawn. I would love to get a chance to shoot for Playboy and Pent House

10) Are you two planning to stay in Fort Myers Beach or move? How are your kids handling it?

Jazella: We moved away from Fort Myers Beach within a week of the story breaking. Our children are doing great.

11) Any plans to run for public office?

Scott: Stay tuned! was founded by Mike Dickinson. If you want to be involved, offer ideas, or exercise your right to free speech and tell him you hate his ideas please email him at