Pirate Themed Decadence


Source: Full Service UK

By: Company Press Release

Full Service UK

(LONDON, UK) — Thursday 10th September – Themed Night Decadence at Full Service.

Now in our 29th Year, the Shows Where the Girls make the Rules Nominated at the Erotic Awards 2007.

As previously featured in Arena, Mayfair, FHM, Loaded, the Erotic Review, Club International and Escort.

Thursday 10th September 2009, Central London (WC1) Venue:

Avast me hearties, it be a pirate show! So weigh anchor, hoist the mizzen and set fair for the Spanish Main. A tot of grog for anyone not dressed like a landlubber or bilge rat! A cat o’ nine tails or a walk on the plank for the rest of yers, savvy?

Floor Shows 7.00pm – 11.30pm (No Entry After 11.00pm) Private Dances Until 11.45pm*

Crew Members and Their Guests Twenty Pieces of Eight in advance or Thirty Pieces of Eight on the door, Non Crew Members Thirty Pieces of Eight in advance (email me for more details).

Below is some of the treasure to be plundered:

Adriana, Angel, Angelica, Brooke Bailey, Charlie, Crystal, Dion, Eve, Honey, Isabel, Izzy, Karen Woods, Lesley, Luiza, Mel, Michelle, Sascha Delish, Sol, Stefany **, Summer, and Yazmin.

* We Must vacate the venue by midnight as another event starts at that time

** New Girl

www.fullservice.co.UK – 07890 975772