FSC Revamps Website


Source: Free Speech Coalition (FSC)

By: Company Press Release

Free Speech Coalition (FSC)

(CANOGA PARK, CA) — Free Speech Coalition (FSC) is proud to announce its newly revamped website at FreeSpeechCoalition.com (www.freespeechcoalition.com). The new design features the new FSC logo, streamlined navigation, up-to-date information, and news on issues affecting adult professionals and businesses.

”FSC owes a huge debt of gratitude and thanks to NakedSword.com, and its owner and FSC Board member Tim Valenti; also, Dave Holley, Shawn Palmer and everyone on the NakedSword design team for their extraordinary efforts in helping us rebuild the site,” FSC Membership Director Joanne Cachapero said. ”by volunteering their time and services, they saved us thousands of dollars in cost. They worked with us patiently every step of the way to make the new site a wonderful resource for our members, other adult industry professionals and the public.”

The new site features breaking adult industry news, FSC information, a listing of affiliated vendor Members Benefits, legal information and event schedules. The Members Only section of the website contains FSC exclusive publications, legal forms and information, access to legal referral and detailed membership information.

A new addition to the site is an Industry Job Listings page that is available to the public. Users can submit postings for available industry employment through the website; after review, listings will be posted on the Job page.

”Especially during these challenging economic times, we want to be able to offer the industry as many free resources as possible and having a place to list available work seemed like a great way to help,” Cachapero said.

The second phase of the website, which should be completed over the next few months, will include online payment options, video and, possibly, live streaming coverage of FSC educational seminars and special events.

”If we are going to represent an industry that is as tech-savvy as the adult entertainment industry, then we need a solid web presence,” FSC Executive Director Diane Duke said. ”I couldn’t be happier with the way the first phase of our web creation has evolved. The folks at NakedSword have our undying gratitude for their generosity creativity, and patience.”

Current FSC members should have received an email containing information on how to log-in to the Members Only area of the site. If they have not received the email or if they are having trouble logging in, please contact kim@freespeechcoalition.com or call the FSC office at (818) 348-9373.

The Free Speech Coalition is the national trade organization to the adult entertainment industry. Its mission is to lead, protect and support the growth and well-being of the adult entertainment community.