PHE Raise $3000 for Charity


Source: Adam & Eve

By: Company Press Release

Adam & Eve

(HILLSBOROUGH, NC) — PHE, Inc, the parent company for Adam & Eve (, recently held two employee fundraisers for different charitable organizations. The first was a cook-out lunch on behalf of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). The second was a vacation day drawing in support of the Durham Animal Protection Society (APS) and the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. Over three thousand dollars in total was raised and distributed among the designated organizations.

”It feels great to work for a company that gives back to the community so much,” says longtime PHE employee Catherine Stinson. ”We always pick important causes and these three are no different!”

Half of the proceeds raised came directly from employees’ pockets in exchange for the lunch or drawing. The other half was contributed by the company as a match of its workers’ generosity. Classic Foods also helped the cause by donating the food for the MDA cook-out lunch.

PHE donates around $100K each year among many organizations including Habitat for Humanity, Duke Hospice, and American Cancer Society (Acs). Recently, they even started selling Adam & Eve logo tees to benefit Acs.

For more information on the contributions provided by PHE, contact Public Relations Coordinator Leslie Limerick at 919.644.8100 x3691 or