Source: ED Publications, Inc.
By: Company Press Release

Dear ED Expo 2009 Attendee: Thanks for registering for the 17th Annual Gentlemen’s Club Owners Expo this August 24-26 at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas.
Just a reminder to please call Mandalay Bay reservations at (877) 632-7000 to book your room at the discount Expo 2009 rate. Our room block of special discounted rooms ends in less than 30 says so we encourage you to call this week to reserve your room.
The discount rates are just $129 per night; or you can get a two-room suite in Mandalay Bay’s THEhotel for $159. Be sure to ask for the special ”Club Owners Expo Room rate.” These are the Lowest Rates We Have Ever Had At Mandalay Bay!
When booking your room and making your flight reservations, please note that while the actual show dates for Expo 2009 are August 24-26 (Monday to Wednesday), the Expo Registration Desk at Mandalay Bay will be open for early registration on Sunday, August 23, from 3-6 PM. Avoid the rush at the registration desk on Monday by arriving Sunday; plus you’ll be refreshed and ready to go on Monday.
Please note that the ED Awards Show is being held a day earlier this year; it is on Tuesday night instead of Wednesday night. Our ”2009 Rock & Jock” Awards Show will be held at the brand new the Joint Showroom at the Hard Rock Cafe. Call me at the number below to order you awards tickets today and get great seating!
Thanks! See you at Expo 2007!
Teresa Tearno
Expo Registrations
EXOTIC DANCER Publications, Inc.
2431 Estancia Blvd., Bldg. B
Clearwater, FL 33761
(727) 726-3592
Fax: (727) 712-8282