Source: Hall Medical Foundation, LLC
By: Company Press Release

The recently publicized epidemic of HIV/AIDS in the adult film industry underscores a need for an entirely new standard of care regarding sexual transmitted infection and disease (STI/D). We envision a synergy between the adult film industry and the Hall Longevity Clinic Lifecard as proof that with true vision, not only can one see well into the future, one can actually sinsafely!
Hall Medical Foundation’s flagship clinic, Hall Longevity Clinic, situated in the heart of Miami Beach, has the unique and distinguished privilege to be the world’s first medical entity to standardize sexual health wellness via our exclusive and trademarked screening, diagnosis and treatment protocols of known sexually transmitted infection and disease.
Dr. Michael J. Hall says, ”HIV testing is doable, acceptable, and affordable; in life, there are many options; we believe prevention is best!
The Hall Longevity Clinic Lifecard health membership program is revolutionary, sexy and necessary for you. As a national brand of affordable medical care, the Hall Longevity Clinic Lifecard is designed to provide personalized medical care for our patients that strive to ensure education and safety emphasizing preventative medicine regarding sexual wellness. Becoming a Hall Longevity Clinic Lifecard member will empower you to live healthier, feel better and save money. Beyond just having a doctor to see when you are sick, owning a Lifecard provides you a unique and sensible way to explain to your partner you are responsible for your health and care enough to protect yourself and others from sexual illness.
Because we care about you, all Hall Longevity Clinic Lifecard members receive exclusive 24 hour/7 day a week secure email access to ask our physicians questions, and receive medical advice. The Hall Longevity Pharmacy is available to dispense a variety of medicines at minimal expense to you. We want to be your physician for life and provide optional catastrophic health care through Blue Cross & Blue Shield. From NYC to LA, Miami to Maui, from our office to your home, we are your doctors!
As visual reminder that you are taking control of your health, think of the Hall Longevity Clinic Lifecard as an entry point to accepting a new level of personal responsibility and gives you a sense of safety and security. The Hall Longevity Clinic is proud to offer you real health care, by real doctors, for real results. For more information contact or contact
Michael J. Hall, MD, MSC, Dabfp
Hall Medical Foundation, LLC
Direct: 305 672 4733
Fax: 305 672 4771