Source: Kelly Madison Productions
By: Company Press Release

(ORANGE, CA) — Kelly Madison of has launched her new tour. Now the affiliates have an easy way to show their traffic what a huge and well executed site she has. There are samples of her updates including photos and video trailers of each episode that may be viewed for free.
The content is updated continuously and is represented in the tour. Each week you can view her newest video and by the looks of the last 50 that she displays, Kelly put her heart, soul and those gigantic all natural titties into every scene.
Kelly’s popular tour was updated a few months ago and works on the same concept…Give the surfer not a little taste but a real ”hands on” feel for the site so they know exactly what they are buying. It isn’t just a tour, it is a test drive of what they are going to get inside. No gimmicks, no tricks, just well done content and superbly produced.
Listed on the first page of the tour is a continual count of what is in the site. As of today there are 75,217 photos and 2,125 videos totaling 248.7 Gigs of content.
Kelly provides entertaining content that goes from nasty to classy and from highly sexual to highly hysterical. Kelly isn’t afraid to laugh at herself and makes the member’s feel like a part of her life. Her daily blog reads everything from what happens on set with her and the girls to what her dog drug into the house.
Kelly is a real woman, with real breasts and as approachable and likeable as the girl next door. I just don’t remember the girl next door having 34FF breasts!
If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Kelly Madison, please call Shantal Smith at 951-808-0747 or e-mail