Source: Dave Cummings-Porn Star, Producer/Director
By: Dave Cummings

It’s been another good month; heck, at my age, any month is a good month if I survived dying of old age during it.
Coed groupies preparing for year-end exams needed stress-relief sex from their near-panic cramming for finals, and those who were graduating wanted some ”good- bye” sex before heading home for the summer or out into the presently challenged job market. Lots of sex for me, which somewhat alleviated my needs caused by the severe porn production slowdown ensuing from the unbelievable amount of piracy and copyright infringement via certain Internet sites – not too many companies keep up an ambitious shooting schedule when they know their product might be hijacked/pirated. Thankfully, besides limited filming opportunities, some of the swinger and coed girls will be around for some summer sex fun-whew!
Notwithstanding the relatively meager number of bookings last month, I nevertheless managed to get some sex in front of the camera, where I especially enjoyed the filming of Vol 68 of ”Screw My Wife, Please”; yes, I repeatedly got ”lucky” with All of the wives. Director Bobby Rinaldi is the ultimate planner and manager, one who always has a ”back-up” for unforeseen problems that are innate to shooting porn; see the results of his genius management and leadership by enjoying the sexual offerings at
Heading to this month where I’ll be teaching a class of how-to-make-porn (see the seminars link), doing business, networking, and enjoying some sexy parties. It’s in San Francisco, a city I lived in while stationed for over two years at the Presidio of San Francisco while serving in the U.S. Army in the late 80s. The scenery, restaurants, and women there are heaven-like.
Today while eating breakfast at the beach, just before heading out for my daily brisk walk on the boardwalk, I was in awe at the way Moms cared for their toddlers, while at another table there was a daughter and her Mom caring for an elderly man in a wheel chair who seemingly was the Dad and Husband. At both tables, feeding assistance was needed, and the care-givers looked happy to provide it, along with the love they showed. It flashed through my mind how helpless and dependent we are as babies, and that sometimes aging (or illness, accidents, etc) places us back into that same state even though there was a productively-led life in between. Kids are so curious and attentive to everything around them, while the wise elderly are quieter but often share by saying helpful things filled with worldly experience. Let’s all endeavor to enjoy each and every day of our lives, and to enrich others with our smiles, greetings, and caring.
The dolphins were frolicking just off shore today, almost like kids in a backyard above-ground pool. Young adult guys were bike-riding on the boardwalk scouting for girls, and obviously saw many of them in their skimpy bathing suits basking in the tanning rays of the sun. Parents were playing with children and pets, while young couples were hand-holding and attentive to each other. What a serene and relaxing life!
I hope everyone has a super-nice summer, and the time and resources to enjoy life, as well as the opportunity to spend time with someone special-even if the special person is you!
Keep smiling, get/stay happy inwardly as well as publicly, and love everyone- especially yourself!
Dave Cummings – /