Tax Fraud at LU



By: M. Dickinson

Tax Fraud at LU

Last week Liberty University eliminated the student run club for Democrats saying that the principals of Democrats did not measure up to the principals of Liberty University. Well now, Liberty University may have to pay.

For many years, churches and religious institutions have been a financial drain on communities because they are exempt from paying taxes. In return they are supposed to be non-partisan and non-political. It’s one of the caveats of having a religious institution exemption from taxes.

However, this was blatantly political. They picked one group to eliminate and not the other, simply based on their political beliefs. If they are going to be exempted from paying taxes, Liberty University should either eliminate all political thought on its campus or allow all political thought on its campus. They should not be allowed to cherry pick what beliefs are represented if they are indeed going to be free from paying taxes.

Talk about the fleecing of America.

Help enforce the law. Cut, paste, and email the following tax-fraud complaint on Liberty University to the Internal Revenue Service today at:

Or at:,,ID=106778,00.html

Attention Internal Revenue Service:

As a taxpaying American citizen, I am contacting you today to urge a full investigation of the tax-exempt status of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. Exempt from paying taxes, this institution has become inherently politically, going so far as to limit the types of student organizations that may participate on campus.

Liberty University’s support of a Republican club essentially offers GOP candidates a type of in-kind contribution that is not available to Democratic candidates. If they are in fact violating their tax-exempt status, I urge you to remove it.

Thank you,

American Taxpayer was founded by Mike Dickinson. If you want to be involved, offer ideas, or exercise your right to free speech and tell him you hate his ideas please email him at