Source: Eurowebtainment
By: Company Press Release

Europe’s most important business-event for interactive entertainment across the web, mobile communication and Sat/Web-TV, Successful 15th Eurowebtainment in Majorca!
Foto review of the 15th Eurowebtainment:
We would like to thank all our sponsors and participants and hope to welcome you at the Eurowebtainment from 4 – 7 of November 2009 in Vienna. Foto review of the 15th Eurowebtainment here:
Also this time, all our participants and sponsors have the opportunity to order several pictures:
Speeches, workshops and discussions sponsored by Beate Uhse AG. Your partner for the internationalisation of your private portals in France and the Netherlands. Here you will find an extract from some presentations of the speeches and workshops. More presentations will be following the next days. Selection of speeches/workshops:
More pictures of the EWT you will find here
Information and contact
Givag AG, ph +423 232 68 46