Source: A! Entertainment
By: Company Press Release

(BURBANK, CA) — This week’s Porn Star Karaoke is a reunion of sorts as we have the beautiful Kitten and the Hall of fame adult legend Mark Davis as our hosts for this Tuesday night at Sardo’s in Burbank California.
Kitten will be celebrating her new show ”SexSpaz” which airs on Rude TV Thursday nights from 5pm to 6pm PST. Kitten dishes out her sex advice and plays ”Sexpert” to guests and callers along with her co host Tony Bones during the show. Rude TV is filmed live from their studio in Chatsworth California.
Along with appearing in over 400 adult films the beautiful Kitten was once married to Porn Hall of Fame’s Mark Davis. In true porn star fashion the two divorced but remain very good friends. When Mark Davis heard that Kitten would be hosting PSK to celebrate her new show he was more than happy to co host and will be at Sardos Tuesday night to add even more star power to party.
You can expect several porn stars and adult personalities this Tuesday night from the staff at Rude TV and they usually bring a beautiful crew. They will also be covering this week’s PSK for a future show on Rude TV.
PSK is open to the public as well as to members of the adult industry. The reserved section for the industry is held until 10:30p.m.
Started in July 2003, Porn Star Karaoke is the longest-running ongoing weekly porn event in the history of the adult business.
Sardo’s Bar is located at 259 N. Pass Ave. In Burbank, Calif., just off the 134 freeway. PSK starts at 9 p.m.
More information is available at To reserve a table, contact Seymour at
Media that would like to cover the event please contact Sardo’s at
Please note that you must be 21 or older to enter and proper ID is required by everyone
Sardo’s PSK is the only place to hang out on Tuesday night and has been for over 5 straight years.
Tony Batman
A! Entertainment Show