F-ckFlix Million Dollar Contest


Source: F-ckFlix.com

By: Company Press Release


(LAS VEGAS, NV) — Enter F-ckflix million dollar porn video contest. F-ckflix will give away one million dollars (USD) to the winning member who has the top porn video.

The top porn video will the video with the most views. Become a member then upload your hot porn videos, promote it and win the million dollars prize. Contest begins immediately and ends September 30, 2009 12 am (EST).

F-ckflix.com is a new porn video sharing site with lots of cool features and random daily cash give aways to its members. To view the contest terms and condition visit www.f-ckflix.com/notices.

F-ckflix.com and video contest is strictly for 18 years of age and over.


Administration Department

E-mail: admin@f-ckflix.com

Website: www.f-ckflix.com