D is for Demon, X is for…X


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Rebecca Anderson

Craven Moorehead, Hart Fisher

Sadly, there is no picture of the three foot penis cake that got Craven X. Moorehead fired from Costco.

Moorehead was attending music programs on scholarship (Craven has played guitar since thirteen) and working as a baker in the local Costco. He crossed paths and befriended another fitness minded person at his gym around that time. The guy was Peter North, legendary adult star. Craven had no idea about North’s notoriety, not being a consumer of porn at the time.

Nonetheless, Moorehead was happy to oblige when North asked him and his girlfriend to shoot a scene. Although Craven wasn’t fond of being on camera – ”I didn’t like having a 500 watt light on my ass while fucking,” his prodigious talents camera and direction led to him becoming a prominent talent at Peter’s company, NorthStar Associates.

Ultimately, Craven’s burgeoning career as a pornographer didn’t sit well with the powers that be at Costco. They objected, and Moorehead responded by baking an anatomically correct, three foot long cake in the shape of a cock and balls, and greeted the morning supervisor with it and some well chosen hand gestures.

He was subsequently fired for sexual harassment, and a juggernaut was launched. Moorehead still directs for Northstar, heads up his own company, Pounded Productions, plays in a band (the Shift,) and is extensively involved in filming music videos. He remains in touch with his roots, mentioning that among his favorite experiences is signing with Glenn Danzig, thinking back years earlier to the time he waited four hours in line to get Danzig’s autograph. Moorehead keeps close to heart the experience of being on the fan’s side of the signing table, and is delighted with having ”come full circle.”

It was through the musical avenue that he ran across his new collaborator, Hart D. Fisher. Hart is a difficult entity to describe – originally emerging from the horror comic genre, Fisher has built an entertainment empire spanning music, horror, comics, poetry, fiction/nonfiction writing, First Amendment advocacy – name it, and Hart D. Fisher is doing it, and is pushing the envelope on all fronts.

Fisher was already an afficionado of Craven Moorehead’s work, citing Grub Girl and She Only Likes Men as favorite works. Unbeknownst to Hart, Craven was manning a camera on several productions (with mutual friend Glenn Danzig) Fisher did post-production for. During post, Hart noticed that ”Camera B” always had excellent framing and content. Camera B was always Craven Moorehead. Hart put two and two together and immediately contacted Moorehead to collaborate on an expansive new project…”I always knew if I could meet the right person” Hart says, and clearly Craven is that person.

Moorehead and Fisher are launching a massive undertaking – production of music videos coupled with their collective backgrounds in the adult, horror, comic and music industries. Together they will be making work that is edgy and all- encompassing – Fisher wants to unite ”all the outlaw cultures (and) change how music videos are.” Together they will be drawing talent from the adult Industry pool, ”be making crazy ass horror movies” (Fishers’ work has been extensively banned, and even destroyed by it’s own distributors.)

”We are controversial creators, not axe murderers” says Fisher, regarding the freedom of expression he insists upon. Hart views the recent jailing of Max Hardcore as a travesty of justice, citing that the responsible party (who’d sold material in the US clearly marked ”for European Distribution Only”) received amnesty in exchange for testimony. ”It’s like the government coming after a gun manufacturer for a murder one person committed.”

Each also has several other projects in the works. Craven is working on backstageass.com, a recreation of the many wild stories he’s heard from rock stars about encounters with groupies. His recent film of stepsons Justin and Jake (twins, age 3) fighting has landed on Motley Crue’s favorite YouTube videos.

Hart just signed on with American Horrors to produce and host a television show syndicated in 17 countries as well as produce one shocking DVD feature per month, starting with the Garbageman, a disturbing opus that includes behind the scenes interviews of Fisher discussing the murder of his then-girlfriend, which occurred during the shooting of the film. Fisher’s post-production facility is responsible for the post on Matt Zane’s Club Satan, Tattooed and Tight 1 and 2, Radium (1), Rob Rotton’s Porn of the Dead and Fuck the System, Otto Bauer’s Smokin’ Tailpipes, and Adam Wood’s site ICantBelieveSheFuckedMe.com. ”If you’re an adult filmmaker and want the biggest bang for (your) buck…hire the best post facility in adult – Crime Pays, Inc.”

There is unlimited drive, imagination, passion and intelligence in both Craven X Moorehead and Hart D Fisher. There is no telling what’s going to happen with this perfect storm, but it is guaranteed to be new, revolutionary and good.





American Horrors


