UK Clamp Down on Lapdance Clubs


Source: Adult Industry News UK

By: Company Press Release

Jennifer Coleman

Councils up and down the United Kingdom are to be allowed to take local concerns more into account in deciding whether Lap dancing clubs can be opened within their sectors.

The move, which will be included in the Queen’s Speech later today, will reclassify such clubs as ”sex establishments”, a move long called for by councils and the Local Government Association.

Lga deputy chair Richard Kemp (Lib Dem) has said the current legal discrepancy over the status of such clubs – as opposed to sex shops and sex cinemas – was a legal loophole that needed closing.

”The law as it stands does not allow councils to consider the type of entertainment being provided or any concerns about the impact it may have on surrounding homes and businesses,” he said last month.

”Parents’ concerns about their children, or neighbours’ concerns about links to prostitution and other crime, should not be ruled out on technical grounds.”

Campaign group the Fawcett Society said the legal discrepancy had contributed to a doubling of table dancing or lap-dancing clubs in England since 2004, despite opposition from councils and residents groups.

It said there were now over 300 such clubs across the country.

The for the rest of the story follow the ”UK Councils get bigger say on Lap Dancing Clubs” link.